Zenand Garden: Factory Fresh
2 years ago

FINALLY getting back into the swing of things!

After quite a long absence, development is FINALLY resuming.

This absence was in part cause I got a Quest 2, and was playing with it until I played everything I care about currently, and also cause I had gotten burnt out for a bit.

Luckily, I've regained my wick, and can now work on Zenand Garden again.

This break wasn't completely useless however, since even when burnt out, I enjoy looking at games, and trying to reverse engineer aspects through pure logic.

Or I guess a better explanation would be, I look at something, take the knowledge I already know about programming, and try to think about how I'd try programming the feature in my own game.
This is actually quite a nice exercise, since a lot of the time, you know a programming concept, but don't yet fully understand it's true potential and how to use it properly. So by taking someone else's work, and trying to imagine how you'd program it, you'll sometimes be forced to run into a solution which you technically knew, but didn't realize the power of.

Programming is a constant learning process, and I'd say the current concept I'm currently learning is "classes", since they're used to often in video games, and are crucial to making a game easily modifiable.

Anyways, that's all for today!



Next up

An OC I've spent HOURS working on! Skizzy S. Vamgon! #ChrisisArtChallenge

Skizzy S. Vamgon

Successful landing


Regular exercise is key for healthy wings.

Try it out!

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Explosive domino effect

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Respect (Only TLOZ Players Will Understand)

Pigs can push buttons for you!

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