4 years ago

Finally version 1.0.0 is here this update is with many fixes.

Also a new entity is introduced play to know more about this update.



Next up

What should be the name of this attack ?

which Axe looks better with my player

please help me decide which one i should keep in my game 🙏

This is the game I am currently working on I will upload a update on this Sunday(tomorrow)..

This is is currently for Android..

If you want it for ios comment now..

goCorona :

Check out my game goCorona and kill the coronavirus. It's an addictive and fun game and compete with other players on leaderboard.

And please comment your thoughts about this game.

Just added a new weapon 😊Lightning hammer in my upcoming rpg game

added a new ability "Sword Throw" to our pumpkin monster

These are the screenshot of my game: Agent47. This game is for android devices..

Link of the game :

If you want it for Windows or Linux or Mac then please tell me your operating system.

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.

Finished work on the emotions of a new character for the tank universe