Carnage in Space: Ignition
3 years ago

Financial Windfall (v3.1.0)

(And sequel news!)

It's the gift that keeps on giving!

In what I hope is the final update, I've made some changes to make collecting money less painful. Hopefully this should make it easier for everyone to fully enjoy the game without hours of tedious grinding.

Also, big sequel news! Carnage in Space: Crucible is almost ready for an Early Access release! Stay tuned for a teaser trailer coming soon! Or, skip the wait and get regular development updates on its own page over at

NOTE: Unfortunately, I no longer have access to a Mac to test on, so this release does not include a macOS build. I hope to get that rectified before too long.

==== CHANGELOG ====

== Improved money drops ==

* Increased the value of all money drops (again)

* Enemies in Endless Ground/Space battle will drop money instead of nothing when they would normally drop health

* Boss Rush now gives a cash bonus at the end

* Reduced the costs of the most expensive items from $250-$300 down to $150

* Money and collectibles found will be saved when you die or exit the level

* The money counter in the HUD shows your total funds, not the amount you've collected this level

== Fixed content getting skipped ==

* Fixed the LVL6 outro cutscene not playing the first time through if the "Replay Cutscenes" setting is turned off

* Fixed the 9th boss being skipped in Boss Rush

== Other ==

* Fixed a typo in the LVL6 intro cutscene

* Removed the HP counter when Extra Stats is enabled

* Removed a leftover call to the defunct highscores API



Next up

Did I ever tell you that this game is actually fully rendered in 3D???

...Well, it isn't. Anyway, perspective is hard but I managed to get this new shop image drawn up.

Mmm, toasty.

It's finally here! Enjoy the story of Crucible again from a new perspective - that of the relentless mechanized alien warrior Tuhrahkkkii!

This update comes with a fully-developed 2nd playable character, and LOADS MORE!

Dude, why are you red? It's not a good look on you!

Just keeping you updated. Work in progress. Support Birdy here by visiting our page. Lotsa love...

The poll is over, and Tuhrahkkkii is the winner!

With that, Crucible phase 2 has begun.

For more Carnage in Space news, I highly recommend you take a look over on the sequel's devlog:


This is Tuhrahkkkii's final alternate weapon, the Beam Claws. These emphasize quick burst damage and hit-and-run tactics. They also pair nicely with the Grappling Hook, but I was too busy kicking fools here to show that off.

Chapter 6 (T) is DONE!

Tuhrahkkkii's story is nearly finished. Only a few more tasks to clean up before I can present the 2.0 release to all of you!

(Screenshot provided free of context)

On today's episode of Pixel Art Fundamentals: That is Not What the Sun Looks Like!

Yeah, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I shaded the old version. The new one looks more like an actual light source.

Yesterday I implemented a new build method for the game that reduces the download size by 75%! Wow!

But that's not particularly exciting to look at, so enjoy this new shop artwork for the Sawblade Boomering as well.

Now Kodon has a special, too! It's a bit different from the others. This move slows down time 50%, allowing you to easily move around enemies and mow them down before they can react.

If you time it right, you can double your boss punishing combos as well