4 months ago






Next up

I'll post the full version a year later lolz!!!!

This was just posted on forsaken ars twitter.

2 new skins, (potentially 3) and a new character

New chapter is uhhh

Benny comes out on 27th April!

(this is from Spawnpoint Interactive official discord server)

I'm most likely going to buy the skin but none the less Molten Freddy's first skin is here!

Also I guess imma do skin announcements now lol

Cool! We finally got him! (This is from forsaken ar discord server)

Carnie is finally out for his carnival-tastic performance!

Been a while since I posted about this goober but I reworked him a bit.

I may have grinded a bit

Benny (a crossover pseudo skin from Fractured Franchise) has been added to Forsaken AR. He is from the Fractured Franchise series! He is a pseudo skin of Toy Bonnie. (Fractured Futures)

Bit late but uhhh

First try