Going to make this short as me and the other developer @ShayTheGuy have been working ALL day on this project.
Today and yesterday (20th & 21st of January) were the first PROPPER days of development. and god do we already have so much to show for it.
I wont go into too much detail, but from moving from scratch to click-team has bumped up the graphics and looks.
no longer looks and plays like a game made in three days (Weedtales revenge remastered)
Now, because weedtales revenge 2 will be a downloadable .EXE file, because the game inst built onto a website or company, the build on release has to be the version that we are fully happy with.
No bugs.
no missing objects.
And we want to jam this game with as much content as possible to make it a fun experience.
Now, what do we think of the game and how its turning out.
We have been visioning the fights in a particular standard and how everything will play out, and we will make sure its exactly how we imagined it.
The game still has strong humor, but we have cut down on the inappropriate visual style of the original in favor of this being fun to play and look at, but the game is still for jokes.
Now, no release date at the moment as we still realistically do have a long way to go, but trailers and teasers are being planned..
I can assure you, you wont have to wait to long for the game..
PS - The game has the most spectacular ending ever. no joke
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