27 days ago

Five Nights At Candy's 2 Review (I don't even have a quirky title for this one)

After Five Nights At Candy's, I was basically in that dry state of Fnaf where I didn't exactly know what else to do with it now. I didn't really like the series, so I didn't really care for it's fangames much after that. Not even Candy's could bring me back in, so I just walked away from it as well. Nothing much to this one either. I wasn't there for the teasers and I didn't even know the game was real until after Sister Location where I went onto gamejolt looking for fangames to play and I saw Five Nights At Candy's 2. I will now give my live reactions to each teaser I looked at as I was downloading the game.


This was indeed Candy The Cat. He looked different but I was expecting a redesign when it came to Candy. While he is an iconic design, he could be better. He looks cool here.


It's nice that we got to see Cindy's chest. Joking aside, Cindy remodel is cool. She's no longer a peanut body, even though that is an iconic design, nice to see her not be a peanut torso and actually, well, have a torso.


I was happy to see the return of Blank. He's a peak design. I love Blank, he's very cool. Anyway, with Blank here and more of his head missing, I actually thought Mary attacked him as well and that was why she was fired in the last game. Blank here is cool and I want to talk about him later.


Here are the teasers brightened up. I actually neber brightened up the teasers before. So this is actually new to me. I like the Cindy teaser writing honestly, it looks very cool.


I'll talk about this guy later, but this design is just... not it for me. Probably my least favorite design in the series. I just don't like him, OR his mechanic.


Chester and his brightened up teaser. This was really cool, it was like Withered Bonnie, and yet, it wasn't. He's also missing his ear and young me first pointed that out. "He's missing his ear". I said, ignoring that he was literally missing his eyes and face. After I looked at the teasers and watched the trailer, I played the game and thought it was the coolest shit ever. Now when I play it, I die a little inside.

This playthrough was hell, mainly the max modes for this game. I tried beating them legitimately, didn't work. I tried beating them by cheating, also didn't work. I had to a mix of cheating and not cheating to actually beat them and I'm not joking. Doesn't help that the game is, well, buggy. Maybe a Steam Release because these games are apart of the Fanverse can fix that (Please Emil, I need Candy's content). Now this! This is my review of Five Nights At Candy's 2... the hardest game I've had to review yet because it's just not good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, like any good review, we should start with the meat and potatoes: The Gameplay. I could brush this off easily and say this gameplay is bad but when it comes to the main nights, I don't think it's all terrible.

I guess we should start with the office.


Uh... I think we could use a light.


Never mind the hallway is just as boring. This whole building is a boring gray with a few exceptions, like the Scribble Netty and Popgoes Easter Eggs, they bring a bit of life to it because... they exist. The rest of the pictures are just robot pictures for blueprints and sketches. There's vents and phones all around the building. But not only that, there are the evil animatronic characters that will come after you. Who are they you ask? I'm glad you asked.

Withered New Candy:


Yeah, the full bodies of the new versions of Candy and Cindy are here. They look great, just updated older models of the original two. Nothing special but they look very cool, I like them. When Candy is in your center hall, you have to go into the panel and call a random phone around the cameras. Once he leaves the hallway, turn the phone off or he will try to disable it. All characters except two can do this.

Withered New Cindy:


Yeah, an updated version of Cindy basically. It's a good model like Candy, the models are probably the best part of this game if I'm being honest. New Cindy is much like her brother, if you see her at the center hall, call a phone and she will go to it. Once again, she will try to disable the phone so don't have it ringing for too long. Something about the phones is that you can ring them constantly until a character disables it. So have fun with that.

Withered Chester:


The first new mechanic of the bunch. Before I get into that, this design is alright. He's just a dirty and Withered Chester. They try to have this Withered Bonnie thing going on with his face being missing, and I think it works fine enough. His mechanic is that he will try to get to you through the vents and the only way to get rid of him is by ringing the phone in the room he is in. You can theoretically beat the game without moving the camera you are on by just ringing the phones. Just keep in mind you can only have one phone ringing at a time.

Withered Penguin:


Hello abomination. I do not like this model. It doesn't really change much with The Penguin. I get that he's basically peak design but there could be some things different. Also the gaping mouth hole that goes into the black abyss is just... no. His mechanic is that he will be on the cameras and if you move to the camera he is at and stay there for a second or so, he will corrupt the camera and you will then have to reset it. This doesn't work if you pull up your camera or switch the camera or just... not look at any of the other cameras unless you need too. He's a bitch to deal with in Max Mode.

Withered Blank:


I don't know where his drawings went and I don't think they would have faded that quickly unless they cleaned him up, which is probably what happened. Anyway, this guy is awesome. He's honestly really creepy in some renders in the hallway and cameras. He's got no hands but man is he awesome. Anyway, he works like the Cat twins, call a phone in a room when he is in the main hall and he'll go towards it. Turn the phone off so he doesn't disable it. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Now, that's all the main cast for the main nights and the main max mode. Night 6 has two new characters introduced for Night 6 and another max mode.

The Rat:


Honestly a peak model and there wasn't much changed. He acts like everyone else but for Night 6, he can take on the role of The Penguin. So make sure you are keeping an eye out for him. But other than that, he acts just like everyone else. He's a cool model though. Now, we have our first introduction to a new character.

The Cat:


This is The Cat. Old Candy walked so Cat could run. The Cat is just like The Rat in terms of design, so he's automatically peak. This is the Fredbear and Spring Bonnie of Candy's, except they aren't springlocks. We'll find out what kind of animatronics they are later. Anyway, he acts like the others as well, except he can take Chester's role and go through the vents. He's a bit faster and on Max Mode he is a bitch to deal with. You better be fast with The Cat or he'll go into the vents no matter what. Cool model but he's kinda shitty.

And that's all the characters in the game! The models are the best in this game, the gameplay? Not so much.

Let's get the main problems out of the way. The office is useless, you can beat the game by just opening the cameras once and then just constantly ringing a phone until a character shows up and then shutting off said phone. You can ring any of the phones from any camera anywhere in the building, you don't have to be on said camera. I never really found the office to be any useful in the game, just that it was indeed an office. I did play the main five nights legitimately though, using the office and the cameras to know where Chester is and if I needed to lure someone away. By the all max modes, I resorted to cheating but I kept getting fucked over by this crappy ass balancing where I barely had enough time to react to shutting off the phone, you have to let the phone ring once to scare away Chester or The Cat and sometimes I would shut the phone off to early and they would crawl in anyway, or I would ring the phone just as they got into the vents. Honestly, the only troubling part of the game was the max modes, and they aren't even max modes. 7/20 normal mode is just the main cast with No Rat and Cat and 7/20 Nightmare is just Rat and Cat but with no main cast. Misleading much?

Anyway, this gameplay is not that good and the map is just boring gray rooms that blend together after a while. The models look good though.


The jumpscares kinda suck in this.

The original and the Remaster both have good jumpscares that have quite a bit of movement with the characters popping in, even if they don't move a lot in the original, they still have good jumpscares and good jumpscare screams.

There's no gifs again but I think that might be for the better because they are basically on par with UCN's jumpscares, although slightly better because it's just the models shaking their heads side to side before it cuts to static... if you're lucky that it does. Sometimes, the game will just bug out and have you lie limp in the office and nothing can harm you, allowing you to beat the night like that. It's crazy that even now, the bug is still in the game and I can still encounter it. I only used it once when I was at 5am, other times I would actually try to beat the night legitimately without cheating. Probably the biggest mistake of my life considering how unbalanced these games are.

Unlike the last game, this game only has two jumpscare screams instead of the three that you hear in the last game. One jumpscare scream for the main cast, and another scream for The Rat and Cat. I'm fine with this but I kinda wish there was more than two like the last one, but I'll take what I can get. Here, if you want to take a look at these mid ass jumpscares, here you go.


Well, now that I waffled a bit about these jumpscares, time for everyone's favorite portion: The Story!!!!!


This game is actually a sequel to Candy's 1, not like how Fnaf 2 was a prequel to Fnaf 1. In this game, you play as Mary's Daughter, Marilyn Schmidt. You don't get a check so the only way to know is by looking at the game over screens.


They are all newspapers that say that Marilyn disappeared. Or she was mauled to death.


Gruesome isn't it. Anyway, the reason you are spending the nights in the factory is because you lost a bet and have to spend five nights in the abandoned factory. I should mention that they say "again" like you've already done something like this and now I have to know if Marilyn is a gambler. Anyway, there is no explanation on why there is a sixth night or if the max modes are canon. I'd say the max modes aren't but the sixth night is because Rat and Cat. I don't know why Marilyn went back for the sixth night, there's no phone calls in the game and it's not like we get any special cutscene before talking about how Marilyn is locked in the factory or something. So she's a masochist. Like mother like daughter!

Anyway, we do have ourselves some minigames and let me just say... I don't think Emil had a story in mind for 2. Cause these minigames... don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

The first minigame involves Chester going around the building.


Yeah, we have to find ourselves a key to unlock the door. The key is in the office and for a split second, you can actually see Vinnie.


It's a very small chance but he's there. You can also find some secrets if you look around. The date on the calendar in the office says "1989" two years after the original Five Nights At Candy's. The dates jump around a lot. Anyway, you can also find that Candy and Cindy's V2 were completed, but Chester's mysteriously wasn't. This is the only time it was brought up and I don't think there is a big lore reason for it. Not one that I can find at least. Anyway, you grab the key and go to open the door, causing the minigame to end. If you can't tell, the door was to the room of The Rat, in which The Rat would then dismantle Chester, causing the next minigame to happen.


It's still 1989 in this one and you play as The Penguin, and you have to collect the pieces of Chester and put them in the box. Three pieces include his arm, his leg, and his head. Oh, and as you can see, Old Candy is there. Old Candy died between games, I guess he wasn't that important anyway. Anyway, you need to go out and find the pieces, put them in the box, and then the minigame ends. ONTO THE NEXT!


This one you play as Blank and you go around collecting pages. The year in this game is 1991, and some of the pages show the new Candy and Cindy while one of them talks about Chester and where he is. The last drawing you collect is of a kid drawing a mustache for Blank on Blank... and the minigame ends.

The next minigame is the most important of minigames... we have to find Candy's tie.


Oh fuck Cindy, you're brother has become Sugar The Cat from The Return To Freddy's. WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!!! QUICK, FIND HIS TIE!!!

Now becomes the question... why do these minigames matter in the grand scheme of things? Finding Candy's tie? Finding drawings? Chester being dismantled even though he shows up in the main game but is withered, so that was irrelevant since they were just going to fix him up anyway. The next three minigames do have some plot relevance to the lore but other than that, there is nothing here in these main four minigames that constitute them being here. They're filler, straight filler. It's 1992, this is the most important date of 1992, finding Candy's tie. Wow.

The next minigame does actually have some plot relevance. You play as Candy and it's your job to search around the building for some reason. You may notice that there are actual people here and... police sirens... that's weird. I wonder wha-


Oh... oh no.

I wonder who could have done this! If you keep going, you'll find the culprit being The Rat, however, he closes the door and the cops come in to arrest Candy for several accounts of first degree murder. Shouldn't they be at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza or something? Oh well. Anyway, the ending newspaper plays on the fact that they are going to demolish the factory after several incidents have occurred, also showing the fact that two kids have died in the factory as if we weren't already aware of that in the first game. Beat Night 6 and it's shown the factory was burnt to the ground with the reasoning being faulty wiring. I guess the souls are freed during this time, I guess. But right now, we have one final minigame.


Old Candy is here and you have to look around the establishment. The year is 1965 and you have to follow... Shadow Candy??? Yeah, Shadow Candy make an appearance in this game and he wants you to follow him. Following him will bring you to a technician, who will get surprised and run up to Old Candy... ending the first part of the minigame.

Minigame 2 is the exact same thing as the first one, but now with a fixed version of Blank. It's now 1976 and there are drawings of Old Candy and Blank before coming across a drawing of... Shadow Candy.


Okay this is honestly creepy as hell. I like this one. Anyway, Shadow Candy will show up, the minigame will glitch and then it's on to the third and final minigame, taking place in 1987!

This minigame asks us to help someone. We play as Old Candy once again following Shadow Candy, this time in the establishment during a crowd full of kids. There is one adult in a room and we still need to follow Shadow Candy around the building before we find a lone child in the office.


"Wow! Candy!"

The child acts very excited and then runs out of the office, we must follow the child to his father, the only adult in the building. The music stops and Candy walks up to the guy, ending the minigame. This is the incident talked about in the previous game where Old Candy had an incident with an adult customer. I forget if I mentioned that in my last review of Candy's 1 but I'm mentioning it here now.

Anyway, these are all the minigames. I guess there is this one sketch of Vinnie in the dev sketches in the extras.


I looks nice, I wonder if Vinnie was meant to get a redesign or not...

Closing Thoughts:

Go play Five Nights At Candy's 2 Sugar Rush, way better game than this.

For the few things I do like about this game, there is always something that really just turns me off completely. I'm not going to say this is the worst fangame out there when a game like JR's or Real Time exists. But it's a bad game, and that's basically all there is to say. I sure hope there isn't a recode that somehow makes the game worse and ridiculously hard for no god damn reason.


Seriously, just play the Sugar Rush games. Please BubyGamer12, make Fnac 3 Sugar Rush I BEG OF YOU!!!!!! Anyway, that's basically all I have to say about Candy's 2. Bad game, cool designs, story that's kinda crappy honestly with minigames that don't matter in the grand scheme of things I guess the minigames do look nice though. And that's it. The next game we'll be looking at i-huh? I missed a minigame? Oh alright fine, I'll do this one real quick.

So you do kinda get a reward for beating the game 100%, doing all the max modes and the main nights unlocks you a glitchy fourth star that if you double click. You get sent to a minigame.


Okay so we got this grand reopening for something. Some Tom and Jerry music, and we're playing as a little girl. That's nice, she looks silly.


Oh look, The Rat and Cat, isn't that just swell. It doesn't show you the girl for some reason, but she's crying when she enters this room, probably from how beautiful The Rat and Cat are.


Hey kid, I'd watch out if I were you, The Rat isn't exactly all he seems. He framed Candy for murder don'tcha know, so it's best if you-and The Rat laid the smack down on the kid.

Well, I guess we can finally go home now, that was kinda a nothing burg-WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!


A story can't end... without a beginning... see you in Part 3...



Next up

I hope now that all that Twitter shit is said and done HeisenMorg can now be known as the guy who got roasted by Kane fucking Carter.

Deserved honestly fuck HeisenMorg, never seen a more petty dev.


If you have to include this in your Fnaf Alive AU post, why make a Fnaf AU in general when you can just make an original project.

News flash: Scott Cawthon does not own the name Elizabeth or Charlie, you can use the name for Original Characters as well

Five Nights At Candy's 3 Review (The second best game in the series)

Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator Review (the ending of an era)

#GJAsks only the greatest of snacks

Ultimate Custom Night Review (a little bow to close off this era)

PS5 pro funny because it has a lack of a disc drive and the price is insane.

I like me my physical media

Which way Western Man

Five Nights At Candy's Review (the first Fanverse game Review :D)