Menu - 100%
Extras - 0%
Settings - 80%
Gameplay - 92%
Shop - 5%
Voice Acting - 93%
Ending Cutscenes - 0%
Animatronic Movements - 20%
Jumpscares - 100%
Overall - 47%
Menu - 100%
Extras - 0%
Settings - 80%
Gameplay - 92%
Shop - 5%
Voice Acting - 93%
Ending Cutscenes - 0%
Animatronic Movements - 20%
Jumpscares - 100%
Overall - 47%
Hey erveryone! GOOD NEWS! I ACTUALLY BEATED 8/3 MODE WITH WQK ON MYSELF!! So it is confirmed now that it IS possible to beat! You just need to react really quickly and have skill, like me, so yeah! If you'll have this skill like me, you'll beat it!
I'm good, thanks.
But Valentine's Day is over though-
Vincent Jacobson, the main antagonist of Animal Entertainment series has been revealed.
Final thumbnail.
Now this will be the final thumbnail for the game, no more new thumbnails now, I promise-
RUS: Приветик. :)
ENG: Hi there. :)
Devil Isabell.