I fixed the problem with the Nightmare Night
I improved somenthing with the save file
That's all, I will see you in Five Nights at TubbyLand 3 Fan recreation, God bless you
I fixed the problem with the Nightmare Night
I improved somenthing with the save file
That's all, I will see you in Five Nights at TubbyLand 3 Fan recreation, God bless you
Here I show you some progress
This minigame is giving me a headache, but it's more or less finished
Finally, working on the updates (I didn't do anything at the holidays obviously)
Five Nights at TubbyLand 1 mobile is live!
(I hope I've fixed all the bugs)
Finally, working on the game after five days, testing the Old Po's Awareness bar
Plushies (I just need to fix some bugs)
The Lost Ones 3 menu for mobile is live!
Happy 10th Anniversary Five Nights at Freddy's 3, A simple drawing for this day
Prototype Laa Laa Jumpscare in action (video test)
Are you there? (just testing the Old Po's animation in the office)