Five Nights at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

9 months ago

Five Nights at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover
Devlog #1: Forgotten

I'm adding titles to the Devlogs now cause why not anway.



"FNaW Forgotten was the first project I ever worked on as a Gamedev. It sucked. It's gone." - Fruppet, 8 months ago.

Well you can forget about that last part, I'M (Kinda) BRINGING IT BACK!

What the heck was Forgotten?

FNaW Forgotten was (as I said before) my first ever project in the FNaW scene. It was in a supposed 'Forgotten Factory' of Wario's that he bought to make a few extra bucks. I think there was a vent you could heat up to fend of Luigi, an alarm to fend off a Koopa-Troopa with a custom Model and a Origins style mode with the Sanity characters. It was bad. Like, REALLY, bad. How bad you ask? Well, we'd be here all day if I listed everything bad about it.

So, why am I (Kinda) bringing it back? Well, thats where that video I posted 3 days ago for Dementaphobia Dangers. So lets get into that.

Dementaphobia Dangers:

Yep! This is gonna be a recreation of the game, not in it's entirety but it will be recreated fairly well. Sanity characters will be making a return in this mode specifically, including some new faces (hopefully). But, you may be asking. What mode will you base it off of? Well... it's kinda both.

2018 Mode, or the basic FNaW mode will be Night time based events, You can hide underneath you're desk like in the original... And that's about it for mechanics right now, I've not started work on that part yet.


What I HAVE started work on however is the 1990 style of gameplay. And no, they aren't seperate modes in the game, you shift between them from day and night. Speaking of, Daytime in the closed factory is gonna be origins style gameplay, in which you can explore the building and get some secret items, before leaving and going to the night time segments. What those secret items do, I'm not gonna tell... because I have no idea yet. Maybe more lore? Not sure.

What about Relived Damnation?

Don't worry, that'll still be getting worked on, just taking a short break from it while I wait for Cosmic to get back with the rest of the calls. Plus, working on one game can burn you out, so that's why I'm working on this right now, and will probably work on a few small projects that won't be FNaW games or something, not sure.

Anyway, that's all I got for you today, so I'll see you all, probably in another week with my posts as of late. Oh! Go and follow:

Taco has recently begun work on this game again and man am I excited for it!

Chao for now!



Next up

School started up for me recently, so I won't be making as much progress on this or Relived Damnation. But, I have actually started work on Dementaphobia Dangers and half of it's gameplay.

Out of interest, anyone find the layout of it... familiar?

I swear to Entity 01 if I reset progress on this one more fricking time-

i am definitely a ghost delivering a message on fruppet's behalf. i have come to tell you that fruppet isn't being lazy and not making his games.

whenever he has free time he's doing small work. he's just finished another characters ai.

ooga booga.

good nap

As a birthday gift from me to you, here is the true final gameplay loop for the Main Mode of the game. Don't mind the time in the top left btw, I was just ensuring everything worked before I recorded this.

Five Nights at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

Devlog #2

Five Night's at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

(The Real) Devlog #1

And here is the horizontal scrolling! In the article will be the code I used for it. I may even release an mfa where it is just both scrollings. We'll see.



Can you believe it?

Students of the Silverback Master