Five Nights Before Freddy's
3 months ago

Five Nights Before Freddy's | Patch v1.4.3

UI fixes/updates

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed Chica's door scare sfx not playing on Endless Night.

  • Fixed Endless Night dialogue not playing sometimes.

  • Fixed the Beta menu music leaking into Endless Night.

  • You can now return to the main menu from Endless Night by pressing 'Backspace'.

  • Screen scrolling is no longer affected while the cameras are in use.

  • Clicking the 'Start New Game' button on the 'how to play' screen is now more consistent.

  • Updated frame transitions for the difficulty, how to play and final night screens.

  • Removed 'A.I. Level' text and updated the arrow buttons on the final night screen.

  • The red vignette for 4/20 and 4/25 modes on the final night screen now fade in/out more smoothly.




Next up

Android Re-release | Out Now

Now on the same level as the PC version, featuring increased visual fidelity, updated gameplay, custom night, Xmas mode, trophies, improved controls, smoother animations, & 3D perspective!

Finally... No more android begging.

Newer, accurate models of 39 & his friends were set to replace them, with improved security technology, nullifying the need for a nightguard. But the new green rabbit would face a devastating malfunction, attacking everything on sight, with brute force.

G'day? G'day g'day?

I'd personally like to shadow drop a new android port for FNBF, bringing it to the same level as the PC version.

Now featuring Night 8, extras, improved visuals & controls, smoother animations, 3D perspective & display options.


I'm less obsessed with green now, and more obsessed with green AND purple together, the most color combo of all time >:D

*insert wide putin music* My biggest regret with this game is making it in a 4:3 aspect ratio, what the hell was I thinking?

I grew up playing 4:3 games stretched to 16:9 so I'm used to that, but any further, like 20:9, looks so wrong 😭

The one that he called: Sam, arrived at the studio just before 12am, unbeknownst to them, he had a plan: To participate in various amounts of tomfoolery.

Five Nights Before Freddy's Remake?

He was forced out by the beast, Plushie still trapped inside, it is unknown if they even survived. 39 was left to wander the streets, alone.

In celebration of 39's 7th anniversary, I've decided to give you all a small taste of Impurity with a short demo.

The upcoming Ventures update will bring some updated music into the mix, courtesy of the original creator: Søundbøx.

Also included here is the new wallpaper for the game, featuring the four idiotic friends, ready to save an imaginary world!