
5 months ago

fixed up my sprite of frisk

it looks so much better now.. am i right lads????

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Next up

last night (which was also my birthday) i had a strange dream about sunky or smthing??? idk

he looked like THIS

(its a HAND)

hes homicidal and hes got taste he wants to wipe out the monster race

this is.. REAL

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

the best dialog sprites EVER MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

hi guys i made a thing!!!

shittale concept art thingy i did in magma with some other idio t

(he made the skibidi papyrus drawingl......................)

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

hes so silly