10 months ago

FLaN 5: Purple Illuminy was the Murderer!?

One of the best games @SusieCat has ever made so far, and I'm not saying that because it's a FNaI fangame...

It's a game with a lot of interesting gameplay and mechanics, myself, testing the game, I realized how every single stage is captivating and unique compared to the previous ones.

Me, Susie and we @The_Betaglian_Testers have seen this game grow from the very beginning, and finally seeing it released is a great satisfaction...

But so what are you waiting for? Just play and enjoy this beautiful pearl!

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Next up

02/02/2024, day 5 Young Man with Robotic Arm

Mark Clark

@OwenBennett as I promised you, here is your character in the game!

01/02/2024, day 4

Old Triangle of Light

Withered Illuminy

29/01/2024, day 1 Triangle of Light


30/01/2024, day 2 Triangular Magician

Toy Illuminy

After some time I managed to finish this 3D model of Illuminy and damn it turned out good (it may not have turned out exactly like the original since I wanted to put in a bit of my own but in the end this one came out).

The game is continuing to develop!

@MidaGames my eternal love

Is it already the Fifth Anniversary of FNaI 1?

Good mothers day!!!