What's up guys!
I come to inform you of what has been happening with FnafR and other personal projects, because several things have happened since the last Devlog.
The game is progressing quite well, @byronStudios has already progressed quite a bit in the programming of the game, and I find myself doing the missing renders.
I'm in some projects apart from FnafR but I'll talk about that later.
Byron is excellent at this, he has been making a lot of progress in a very short time, he is programming FnafR with a very particular method, this method will make the game very light but has its risks.
I will be informing you about the progress in case of any inconvenience or news.
As for the voice performances, everyone knows that @drKINGF0X will be giving life to ''The Phone Guy'' in the Spanish version of FnafR.
Well, now I must thank @Duftmon , as she will be giving voice to the FnafR protagonist, Lucy Miller.
Unfortunately, this is only for the Spanish version of the game, I couldn't get voice actors for the English version.
Soon I will open auditions to find the missing voices.
Stay tuned.
I announce that the development team of FnafR has expanded, now I will be working in conjunction with Stylized Production, which were involved in the development of Dark Curse, Fnaf ST (YoNoSoyFran Version) and others.
It is my pleasure to inform you that @Marco_Antonio will be re-modeling several of the FnafR characters, as he did with Lenny The Cat, the thing is, that many people like the design that the characters have nowadays, so, the models created by marco will have a special appearance in FnafR and/or their own version.
Because FnafR is progressing so well, I have been modeling things for TaLR, a prequel to FnafR that will introduce us more into Lucy's traumas.
Besides helping in other projects, such as: Factory Nightmare's and Files at Corporate.
That's all, see you on the next Devlog.
Get out of here!
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