Hey there fellas, wow, almost a year without speaking here, im glad we're able to talk again!
First of all: NO, the game is not Dead, far from that actUally.
The game had a lot of progress these past few months, i Started to picK up development since FD1 and the game is aboUt 75% done, most of the tasks aRe done and everything left to be done iS:
-FIx miscellaneous stuff
-Code the final night
-Replace placeholDers
-FinAlize audio
So, you can Expect a FINAL release date around these weeks...
I felt it was necessary for me to post something today, since its FNaF 1's 9th anniversary, and ive been dead quiet about progress, for that i apologize, i don't really like using Gamejolt that much.
As a reward for waiting this much, have 5 unique screenshots of gameplay!
I'm really happy about how the game is turning out, i love working on it and i really hope you guys enjoy it!
(I'll promise to post more about the game the following months)
I think thats all for today, see ya folks!
Someone is waiting for you.