FNaF Save Editor 2.0

2 years ago

FNAF Save Editor 2.0 Released!

Made in 4 days in C#, with massive compatibility support and Github hosted editors, FNAF Save Editor 2.0 is now here for use by YOU! (no one else)

So, what does this massive overhaul entail?
1. No more cringy CTF caused Anti Virus trips! Now only the cringiest of cringe anti-viruses should murder this save editor!
2. Massive design overhaul! While not perfect, it's a massive improvement from the old one. The new design allows modular brand new save editors!
3. Stability!!! My biggest hatred with the 1.0 Save Editor was that it was never very reliable, most of the times it just did not function. Now, with my custom made Ini reader/writer, it probably wont break!

Now with all good things, there are downsides.
We had to drop freezing save files and support for Clickteam Remasters. Along with that, any timer values (ex. 6:31) currently do not work. That being said, all 3 may come at a later date, but they're not priorities.

That's all for now! As always, if you want to make a save editor or request one to be made, there are links in the description for those. Also, let me know if you have any issues! Keep in mind this version does require you to install .NET 6.0, and if you don't see that bolded in the description, I will not respond to your comment.

ByeBye - Yunivers



Next up

Oh, well, isn't that fun? (Coming Soon)

I want to see Emil cry. Especially with how hard Emil made it for me.

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