5 months ago


A guy named Tyler Anthony had the idea of making a show called "Henry's and Friends!" somewhere in the 60s (child). He gets help from an entire company named "Zay.Co". Zay.Co was like Tyler's helping hand, even helping him create his own company (Henry's Creations Co). The show was a success. The children loved it so much that Tyler decided to create a machine with the help of many people. "What are the possibilities something like creating life be possible? Could I really create living, walking, talking, being?" scientists answered the question and with the help of other people, the machine was made! It generated Henry from the show in the mid 80s.

In 1998 Henry's Family Diner was created. However, Henry started to get out of hand, egging houses, refusing to perform for the kids and so on. Henry was full of himself and as the first toon, he thought he wasn't needed to do anything. The employees closed and locked him in a storage room, leaving him with no food and freedom. Henry's was closed after that and in 2004, it was reopened and was now named "Henry's Fast Food (Diner)". Three more toons from the show were created. Katz was the most liked, despite his harsh and rude temper. But unlike Henry, he had redeemed himself in multiple ways. The band was not the same without Henry. Henry, after rotting for 6 years had died. However, a demonic entity was keeping him alive. The building was unknowingly built on top of an area where witches and cults performed rituals. Two entities were there. One was a Golden Henry and the other was a demonic red Version of Henry. Kevin Richardson is hired to work the night shift. His guide, Nick Eddison, was locked in a back room and killed. Henry beat him, Katz mauled and clawed him, Rabz stomped, and Bizy finished it by choking Nick. The entities were responsible and possessed the toons. Kevin later gets fired for "tampering with the toons" (checking up on them during their sleep. From the cameras it looked like something else because it was staticing. And NO I'm not talking about the dirty thing...get your head out of the gutter...). The diner closed down because of Nick's death and gets reopened five years later (2009).

The new face of the show is now Katz instead of Henry. The building has been revamped to its extreme and is much safer. The OG toons (Henry, Bizy, Katz, and Rabz) get cloned. The clones get new colors and get slightly new designs while the OG's get left behind, rotting and dying...The cloned Henry was shortened and gives out balloons. An extra toon "Chirp the Bird" was created from the old show. The Bizy clone was named "Ruined Bizy" by the STAFF because he came out in wrong colors, and had missing and torned limbs. Ian Hartsfield is hired as the new night guard is guided by "Unnamed Phone Guy". The toons start getting possessed by the same two demonic entities again and turn evil. Henry even comes back as a floating head (spirit) and haunts Ian. Once the employees realized this, they decided to turn to robots instead, closing the building with Ian in it during his 6th night. It was decided the building would be getting bulldozed. This event is "The Crush of '09". Demonic Henry (the demonic red version of Henry who attacks Kevin on his 7th night in the first game, along with Golden Henry) comes and attacks Ian in the darkness. However, he fails, and Ian runs out of the building and watches it, along with several others, the building getting bulldozed (with the cloned toons inside, crushing them all).

2 years later in 2011, Nicholas Smith is working on blueprints for the animatronics. However, he falls asleep. Henry (still possessed) keeps Nicholas asleep and generates nightmarish versions of the OG toons (the new toons, Lil' Richard (short pink Henry) and Chirp) so they can attack him in his nightmare. Nicholas is apparently a kid in this dream? He was in his dream bedroom from when he was a child. He fends off the toons for 7 nights and wakes up with Demonic confronting him. Nicholas turned insane after the nightmare and ran to the warehouse and found a Beta Katz suit. He forces himself in and gets crushed to death inside the suit (the suit is not a springlocked suit, I assure you...I'm very original...not...) ANYWAYS! The spirits from all the toons come back (Henry, Lil' Richard, Katz, New Katz, Rabz, New Rabz, Bizy, Ruined Bizy, and Chirp). Henry goes into the systems of the warehouse as a computer virus. New Katz possesses the same suit Nicholas gets crushed in, keeping him alive, and Chirp and Lil' Richard possess the Beta Chirp and Beta Henry animatronics.

Ten years later, in 2021, everyone is angry at Henry's Creations Co after the countless deaths. Ian and Kevin are friends as they were both night guards of a Henry's establishment. They work together to investigate and find out why things happened, and why they were the way they were. Kevin works at the warehouse and has to survive the beta animatronics and spirits. He decides to come back on his 8th night after the warehouse tour. He dismantles the animatronics and sets the souls free as he sets the warehouse ablaze.

Three years later in 2024, Zay.Co is the star of the show now. After the end of their collaboration with HCC, they have gained rights of all of their characters now that HCC is no more. Zay.CO’s Fantasy Land opens and is look for a night guard. The child in 2004 at the original Henry’s diner has now aged and apply’s for the job. She has to survive the night with the animatronics. The souls of the toons have been freed and no longer haunt. However, something more is here…an amalgamation of the remains of the Beta Chirp and Henry animatronics are back. With no souls functioning, they go haywire with their horrible state and see anything and anyone as a threat. Zay.Co decides to create a Bizy animatronic to remember HCC. The establishment and staff ran tests on the several animatronics and used this information to help the new guard. Riley the Raccoon is activated on the first shift. The tests on him and the results are listed in the following:

  • Light Test: Unaffected, neither docile nor aggressive

  • Door Test: Affected, blocked. Door is not visible in animatronics vision and thus, walks away

  • Mask Test: Affected, tricked into believing whoever wears the Salvaged Beta Chirp Head is an animatronic, thus walks away.

  • Visit Test: All animatronics are known to walk around in this establishment so their servos don’t lock up overnight. Leading to them being useless. They all try to find where the people are, in this case, at night, it’s the office where the guard most likely is. The staff cannot control if the animatronics can go to the office or not, but they can control the animatronics path. Riley’s path is the right door since the left was already chosen to be Luna’s.

    Luna is also active during the first shift, the test results are listed in the following:

  • Light Test: Aggressive, REFRAIN from using bright lights. Mask is used to cover her broken face, however, this does NOT make lights ineffective on her. She is very twitchy, so for some reason, the window light is ignored but any other light is not.

  • Door Test: Affected, blocked. However, using the light for too long would most likely cause her to break through the door regardless.

  • Mask Test: Ineffective. Too twitchy to register the mask, she would most likely rip it off.

  • Visit Test: All animatronics are known to walk around in this establishment so their servos don’t lock up overnight. Leading to them being useless. They all try to find where the people are, in this case, at night, it’s the office where the guard most likely is. The staff cannot control if the animatronics can go to the office or not, but they can control the animatronics path. Luna’s path is the left door. It wouldn’t matter which door she would be at anyway so left was chosen.

    Emily is the night guard’s name. She survived the 1st shift. She comes back again.

    On her second shift, she finds out the Aseb and Frank animatronics had finally been repaired and were now put on their stage. Aseb is now active, but Frank is still in his “sleep” mode. Bizy gets activated alongside Aseb. Bizy’s test results are listed in the following:

  • Light Test: Affective. Docile. Lights calm him down. Flashing them at random will cause a system reset.

  • Door Test: Ineffective, he breaks through the door so it’s MANDATORY for the lights to be on. If he leaves the window, it’s already too late…

  • Mask Test: Ineffective for some reason. He registers the mask, but ignores it. He is very aware.

  • Visit Test: All animatronics are known to walk around in this establishment so their servos don’t lock up overnight. Leading to them being useless. They all try to find where the people are, in this case, at night, it’s the office where the guard most likely is. The staff cannot control if the animatronics can go to the office or not, but they can control the animatronics path. Bizy’s path was chosen to be the window because of the test results. Putting him at any of the doors would obviously be useless.

    Aseb’s tests results are listed in the following:

  • Light Test: He pauses if lights are turned on, he doesn’t move though. He just watches, however the second they are turned off…well…

  • Door Test: Ineffective, same results as the lights. He would stay there and would drain power. It’s obvious his path would be neither of the doors.

  • Mask Test: Ineffective, same results as the previous test, it would result in death if the mask was off. If it was on, he would stay in the office, causing the mask to crush the person’s head.

  • Visit Test: All animatronics are known to walk around in this establishment so their servos don’t lock up overnight. Leading to them being useless. They all try to find where the people are, in this case, at night, it’s the office where the guard most likely is. The staff cannot control if the animatronics can go to the office or not, but they can control the animatronics path. Aseb’s path was chosen to be either of the vents since those were the only options left. It was thought that he wouldn’t fit, but he did just fine. A corrupt signal button is in the vents and would be used to corrupt Aseb’s systems’ connections to the restaurant, forcing him to leave the vents and reset.

    Emily passed the second shift and went on to the third. During the third, the remaining robots activated. Sir. N and Frank. Sir N’s test results are listed in the following:

  • Light Test: Ineffective, it doesn’t do anything. But it’s safe to use it just to see if he’s in the blind spots.

  • Door Test: Ineffective, he breaks through.

  • Mask Test: Affective. Fools him and causes him to leave anyone who uses the Salvaged Beta Chirp Mask.

  • Visit Test: All animatronics are known to walk around in this establishment so their servos don’t lock up overnight. Leading to them being useless. They all try to find where the people are, in this case, at night, it’s the office where the guard most likely is. The staff cannot control if the animatronics can go to the office or not, but they can control the animatronics path. Sir N’s path was chosen to be the Window since it was the safest option. Putting him at the door wouldn’t do anything since he would break through.

    Frank’s Test is as shown:

    All of Frank’s tests have the same results as Sir N’s, except for the door. He wouldn’t break through, but he wouldn’t leave either. It was chosen for his path to be both of the doors. If he were to peek in, the mask would be affective, however you must be quick. Emily has succeeded once again and moves on to her fourth night.

    On her fourth night, her guide tells her that they have attempted to salvage the Beta Chirp and Henry animatronics’ remains and merge them into each other. They thought that he could be a take apart and put back together attraction for kids. They didn’t know what would happen since they didn’t make these animatronics, Henry’s company did, not Zay.Co. They never were used to perform since they were betas and looked ugly. But Zay.Co thought it was worth a shot to use them at their location. A random kid put their head inside of the animatronic’s jaw and spat in it. He pulled out and the animatronic malfunctioned. An employee immediately ran over and attempted to taze the animatronic before anything bad could happen. They then disassembled the animatronic in front of several people and left. The children continued to play with it as if nothing had happened. Rumors named it “The Abomination of Memories” since it was one of the last things that resulted from Henry’s Creation’s Co. The A.O.M put itself back together and attempted to attack Emily along with the several other animatronics. The AOM had no tests nor results since it was only an attraction.

  • It made its own path and went into the vents as the spider self it was.

  • It then went to the window.

  • It went in the left hallway.

  • It went to the left door. Emily used the light on it and it scurried away.

  • It ran to the right side of the office. Emily decided to try the same thing she did at the left, but as she turned to the right, it attacked her and ran away. Looks like she didn't need to use the light that time.

  • When it ran to the window, Emily had to quickly put on the mask and it ran away and left her alone. The mask was the beta chirp’s head and since that was a part of the AOM, it obviously was fooled.

    Emily continued to do the same strategies for all the animatronics until her sixth night when she decided to leave after 6 AM. She never would come back there again. When she was in the elevator, she looked up and saw the AOM on the ceiling…she told the CEO of Zay.Co and he said that the AOM would be removed from the establishment right away.

The CEO of HCC, Tyler Anthony, remember him? Well, he broke in “Zay.CO’s Fantasy Land” and discovered a third floor of the establishment? This was below the 1st floor, the security office floor and was even more below underground. Making the performance floor with the animatronic’s the third floor, making the security office floor the second, and making the floor he was in, obviously the 1st now. All of the animatronics were lured to Tyler’s location in the 1st floor. He had to survive. Behind him was a security system and on the TV was a radar. X’s in different colors represented each animatronic, could this perhaps be the area they did the tests? In front of him was a hallway, a left door and right door, and a left and right vent. It was also a lamp on the desk. Luna would go in the left vent. The left door was beside the vent too. Tyler decided to use the left door’s door (this is an actually door, not the heavy metal door in FNAF 1, the one with the handle, you know what I’m talking about right? Anyway…) Tyler used the left door to block the left vent so Luna couldn’t see him. He did the same with Riley who came from the right vent. Frank came from the left door. Tyler just closed it on him. For some reason, it was a spring mechanism so if you were to hold the door shut, or push it open, it would spring back in place. So Tyler had to HOLD it shut. The AOM came from the right door so Tyler had to do the same method he’d use on Frank. For the hallway in front of him, Bizy, Sir. N, AND Aseb came from it. For Bizy, he flickered his lamp off and on to reset Bizy. For Sir. N and Aseb he had to keep the lamp OFF and turn the radar TV OFF so they wouldn’t hear it. Viewing the Radar TV while it’s on helped keep Tyler calm and kept his sanity up. What had he brought himself into? When it was 6 AM, he was immediately killed by Bizy. Bizy mangled Tyler into the AOM. “You let them suffer,” Bizy said, “so shall you…” he destroyed the AOM and Tyler and the remains and hid them at were the warehouse was originally at, he was with the ashes. Bizy walked to Kevin Richardson’s house and said, “the deed has been done,” Kevin responded with “good” as Ian Hartsfield and the spirit of Nicholas Smith surrounded them. The spirits of the toons were there too. The person that caused them torture was gone, they could finally FULLY rest this time. Tyler woke up in a purgatory with all of his creations FNAH 1-5 characters were there. He had to create his own show by decreasing and increasing the difficulty. At least he was left with something to keep him occupied…the end…(how original 😩).



Next up

Riley the Raccoon!

August 2024 VS November 2024, which do you like best?

Classic style ❗️💯🔥🔥🔈🔈💯❗️💯🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔈💯❗️🔈🗣️🗣️

Old version on the left, new on the right. Massive improvements once again! (Lasso drawn on IBIS Paint X)

Maskie Reveal Teaser!

Is this color theory???

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to gamejolt.com and accept the quest to get started.

The second game is here! I'm still working on uploading the first one.

Canon event

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!