That the Comic is based on Smiler's
FNaS Maniac Mania Game...
(Called from "Sonic Mania")
I would called it...
FNaS Fiercy Forces "What If"
... (Called from "Sonic Forces")
(Because Silent is based on "Avatar" from Sonic Forces...
as you know...)
And that would be a 2D game with so many mechanics...
An unofficial sequel... separate game... even...
that is happening after the FNaS MM Recoded...
Yeah, such a beautiful dream that will... never happen... *Sigh*...
And I wonder if Smiler would ever consider to put some of the skins
from my Comic into his FNaS MM "Recoded"...
That would be very freakin... Awesome...
Or... How about I just rename the Comic to
FNaS Fiercy Forces "What If"??
I want to sound it in a unique way...
not to be a "copy paste" of Smiler's MM Name with just "What If"...
Since my comic have changed so much after the one year...
How do you like the idea??
Should I change the name now to
FNaS Fiercy Forces "What If" the Fanart Comic ... ??
And if the Game would actually happen it would be called...
FNaS Fiercy Forces "Dr. Golden's Trigger!" the Game.
Ok, goin' offline now... cya!