11 days ago

FNF Dusk N' Baki Concepts

  1. Arrows

  2. Gameplay Hud (Light and Dark)

  3. All Healthbar Status (Light and Dark)

  4. All ALT Healthbar Status

  5. The 101+ ALT Health

  6. The Warehouse (From Roblox Game "Rob a convinience store") (one of songs map)

  7. The 101+ Health

  8. Notes Pressing Rates (Light and Dark)

  9. Notes Pressing Rates (NOTHING and Dark)

  10. Main Menu

  11. Week Select

    12-16. All Difficulties with Weeks Selected 1-5

    17. The Difficulty on Week FINAL

    18. Title Screen

    19-35. Options

    36. Banner

37-40. Screensavers



Next up

FNF DN'B 2.0 3 2 1 GO

FYI i did all daily questions but they are incomplete for some reason

Random zoom south z mixed song photos by PRO cam

Snake eyes

(Capture was done by me in Scribble Rider (MOBILE) in august-september 2024)

I Drawn WALL • E Logo

FNF Dusk N' Baki 2.0 Credits Concept

Wtf my av is self replaced