Fritz's Rodeo
1 year ago

Follower Stretch Goals


Just a short announcement from me today. Starting now, we're gonna be doing something I don't think anyone else has really done; follower stretch goals.

"But what are those?!" I hear you asking. Well its simple; basically, every time we reach a certain amount of followers on the Game Jolt, we'll give you a new piece of content related to the project, big or small.

Our first goal will be 50 Followers, and the reward will be a sneak peak at the title screen's music track for you all to vibe to. Feel free to ask your friends to follow the Game Jolt or advertise it on social media!

Note: Please don't make alternate accounts or harass people into following the project. It takes the fun out of the whole concept, and it messes with our team's analytics.

Alright, that's all from me. Have a good week you all, and don't be afraid to ask questions about stretch goals!



Next up

We're back! Thank you all for sticking with us, we have some cool stuff to show off soon! Stay tuned...


Disaster Fritz


Dev Log 8: We Cooked

The Band's All Together!

Love yall <3 #GJ2023

Fritz's Rodeo - Fan Game or Original?