ZertyAllStars.EXE / Zerty.EXE All-Stars
1 year ago

For anyone interested, click "Read article".

There was once a movie based on Zerty.EXE called "Zerty.exe 4 - The Battle of Pure Extinction" and also a kind of a remake of it called "Reimagined: Chapter 1".

Sadly, the owner of Zerty as a character, ZertyTV, lost his interest in EXE content.

However, someone managed to reupload the movie and the remake (beside from the best ending).

All the links are listed below:

Zerty.exe 4 - The Battle of Pure Extinction:

Zerty.exe 4 Bonus - Alternate Ending:

Reimagined: Chapter 1:

Also, a fun fact: Originally, Zerty.EXE's name was ZertyClone (as shown in Reimagined). When he was reborn in Reimagined, his name was changed to Zerrath.

Check the images below:





1 comment


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And just like that, it is done!

Happy early birthday Sonic!

That had to hurt-

Maybe I am a bit too curious-

I- Uhhhh- Well-

I'm completely out of words.

Like, I genuinely have no idea how is that even possible, given the poor quality of the game-

So, uhhhh, thank you all I guess.

All-Stars version it is.

I'm a F fr fr-

It's just bois having totally harmless fun-…

So, uhh, yeah-

To be honest I expected this to happen, cuz most people thinks my games are good, which is a lie.

Anyway, I guess I'm gonna keep them, but they won't receive any updates anymore (unless I change my mind-)