4 years ago

For forever now, I've wanted to create a top-down RPG. I'm finally starting on it, and these are a couple early characters. I'll be uploading devlogs for this one, so I'm excited to see how it turns out! No ideas for names yet though...

#rpg #devlog



Next up

Finally getting around to polishing my new game up. Added music and some juicy camera shake this morning!


#polish #music

I made the cursor for my game a chicken. I got nothing else to say about that.


This community is so dope..

Here's some pixel art from my game El Dorito. This is the final boss of the game!

Check it out:


VERY early concept art for an rpg I wanna make

Make sure to take a look at my latest game, El Dorito! It's a tough, skill-based platformer with unique exciting boss fights! Check it out!


#platformer #skill #newgame

Sample game play from my brand new project, Hardtack Brigade!

Come check it out!


Holy cow there's so many people here now!

Check it out: new and old fireball design for my game El Dorito!


Final art design for one of the bosses for my new game! Any thoughts? #art #pixelart

If you're interested, here's a link to the game page:


I've started on the project, and I have a (very) simple concept so far. Movement is pretty close to what I want it to be, but I'm trying to find out how I want to control switching the players. Maybe the players share a button? Or maybe it's on a timer :)


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-