
4 years ago

For OUR first week updates [1st Week]

These are all the ideas we came up with

  • Maze(Puzzle) - Figure the symbol to find the exit (Go in and out and repeat with next stage)

  • Floor - Go up to reach the light (Ex. Fallen Angel want to go back to Heaven)

  • Color: Opposite color (Gold + Yellow ⇔ Brown + Black)

  • Theme - Japanese, Tower (Fix Resolution, Circle)

  • Chapter - (min: 4) Stages [Introduce -> Mechanic] + Final stage

  • Limited Resource - Have powerful things/knowledge, but no power to use it. (Gain during the game progress)

  • Mechanic: Attack (Melee), no Skill, Collect resources along with the stage/puzzle

  • NEW - Puzzle with Action (Monster spawn/appear during solving the puzzle)

  • (Optional) Weapon Stack on the ground (pickable item from the ground)

  • Unlockable stage (collecting items)

All of these ideas are still unsettling but this will give you guys the main idea of OUR game !!!

Player Information

  • Health: Points

  • Special ability gauge - Increase as player attack monsters

  • Damage

  • Speed

  • Dodge Cooldown

  • Health regeneration (monster + auto-heal)

  • Ammo

We came up with our protagonist theme and concept art, you will be playing as a cute Japanese female character. The first level will have a variety of simple puzzles.

Stay tuned for more weekly updates!



Next up

We just updated our new logo and many more!!!

Hi all! We have another weekly update! What do you guys think about our lamp? Cool right? Let us know in the comments about what you think!

Most of the updates this week is all about OUR art assets.

Groundian v.0.5.7 Update Log (01/03/64)

It has been almost 3 weeks since the last update, BUT we have finished the first game build NOW!!!

We are Changing the kimono's color of OUR protagonist! What do you guys think?

Hi all! Here again with our weekly update! Here, we have another art decoration to show you guys! What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

Hi all! Another weekly update with our map decorations? What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments!

Hi all! Another weekly update on "o u r" game! What do you guys think about our Japanese blind? Awesome right? Let us know!

OUR new update on shop items in the game -Checkpoint


-Health Point