Pee Paw Afton's Adventure

2 years ago

For Pee Paw 2, we're going to give characters a bit more life in the game by giving them various facial expressions to display their emotions. Here are some examples of them!




Next up

Development 4: The Database sections (SPOILERS)

I'm a little late on this dev log, but this does contain spoilers for secret parts of Crafty's Play Zone! It will discuss how the Database sections of the game have evolved over time!

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Development 3: Version 0 and Scrapped Mechanics

Version 0 is an important character in my Black Bear's Picnic story, so I felt he just had to make an appearance in Crafty's Play Zone!

I'll also merge this dev log with some scrapped mechanics too!

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Here's the official game icon for Pee Paw 2!

Pee Paw art by @_new_york_rose

To celebrate 2 years since Pee Paw 1...


Choose your path and date either Pee Paw Afton, Map Bot or Vanny!

The game was meant to release today, but there's been a delay. Hopefully look forward to it TOMORROW! :D


One last background before the game's release!

Saw this Twitter post which said to try and times something in the game you're making by 1000. This was the result when I tried it... XD

Another background to tease this upcoming game! >:D


Work on Pee Paw 2 starts today! Look out for teasers and announcements!

Hey all! While cleaning out my room, I found some old concept sketches of some cameras (and the office) in Crafty's Play Zone. I completely forgot about them!

It's quite interesting to see how they've evolved over time!

P.S. I am NOT an artist... XD

Pee Paw 2 map reveal! As you can see it is MUCH bigger, although I'm not revealing the names of the rooms just yet... Progress is coming along nicely.