5 months ago

For people who don’t know what a therian is:

A therian is someone who identifies as an animal on a non physical level. Based on involuntary animal instincts/urges. Therian do NOT believe they are animals. And it is not a choice to be therian. A lot of therian express themselves and their theriotype by doing quadrobics, or buying/making gear but not all therians do this and just because some therians don’t that doesn’t make them fake. Also not ALL therians have to have a past life and it’s ⚠️NOT⚠️ connection to animals, connection to animals is more of an otherkin/fictionkin. The biggest mistake people make is thinking their like furries, No therians and furries are NOT the same. Furries are people to choose to dress/cosplay as antromorphic animal. A therian is someone who identifies as an animal on a non physical level. Based on involuntary animal instincts/urges. Therian do NOT believe they are animals. Please don’t spread misinformation about therians.



Next up

More sketchessss

Evil Earth dimension :3

Saw this being a trend soooo

Did my own :3


Did a thing😆🌎

Cry about it.

Random Evil! Lunar (aka Cosmic) doodle I forgot to post-

‼️Important information for therian who want to buy gear. (Specifically tails.)‼️

Happy happy happy

You’ve met Luna and Gwen but you didn’t meet Vix and Sylvia

Literally the best song rn🙏🏻💗
