Sonic Robo-Blast X
11 months ago

Forgot to say but I will be going somewhere for 4 weeks. I will be unable to develop during that time. Hope you guys understand. Happy birthday Sonic!



Next up

After considering for a bit, I perfer the old sprites to the new ones. I will probably just clean up the old ones. The new version I made might be used for a cutsence thing I had an idea for.

There is now a new system for spawning items in. The old one was just a stream of code that was just used for testing. The new system is made to work for the levels. The only problem is spawning in things takes a bit to happen, which I am trying to fix.

guess what??? continue devolopment now

ALSO SUPPORT METAL SONIC VECTOR which is in same project : )

Progress with menu lol (Its mostly made out of placeholders)

New sonic vector on scratch!! Please check out!!

Changes to the new test area. Meant to feel like how a level might be like in the final game.

New test area. There is much more to do here. Really good for testing platforming and other stuff.

Im making new sprites for the game since the old ones are kinda bad. Here is a sneak peak on what im working on.

So like what if i brought this back with a completely new art style