21 days ago



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Announcing: Another Generic Fredbear Game


Quick Review of: Summer of the Twenty One

okay so I dont hate my games anymore since this is a valid point but I will still try to make the next game something special.

Something that very few people will think of as boring or generic hopfully.

hmm, I wonder.

a epic game just released, usually I dont do this but I really recommend you give it a try!


On Thursday, ‎8. ‎February ‎2024 the first attempt of reviving the rerailed trilogy was made.

it ended up quickly being cancelled due to lack of motivation. (read article)

Another Generic Fredbear Game - Devlog #1


Happy 10th trtf anniversary! it's so crazy this series is basically as old as fnaf itself now.

I don't have much to say other then I'm glad it was part of my childhood & will continue to love this epic series no matter what.
