4 months ago

found two mods out in the wild today

one while casually playing

one in testing


image unrelated



Next up

video is uploaded just waiting on some responses from people and i'll make it public

almost done muwahaha

i've just gotta do the stupid RENDER GRRRRR DUMB MNALGE I HATE YOU GRAH

and then type the ability info 😇

kay so i kinda forgot to make the foxy render

Foxy's abilities and stuff are already written and ready, I just need to do his ability icons and render and he'll be finished

regardless, gonna start work on Nightmare Fredbear!!

Already got his passive 😉

Toony Vapor and Rosemary V2

and Sadie (YES ITS @Clubbo Version)

also Hell Bound PNM


Mangle is done!!

If The Mangle was in Pillar Chase 2 concept

The Creeps: First Teaser


I just have to export it and upload it, it should be ready by tomorrow.

Until then, here is the intro!

okay so it looks like foxy won the poll let me make a foxy render real quick!!

Pillar chase 2 slander

Withered Bonnie if he was in Pillar Chase concept