Mini games!
The maze game
Controls: W,A,S,D
-Collect tokens! (2 points each or 3 points each)
-Collect the lighting to move quicker!
-Collect the snowflake to freeze the monster!
-Collect the shield to not get hurt by the monster!
If you get hit, you loose 10 points!
Press “F1” to stop the effects!
The cup game
This game is entirely luck based! Are you feeling lucky?
-The token is worth 100 pts!
-The Spades is worth 50 pts!
-The X is worth 0 pts!
(Use “Space bar” to get a quick view under the cup!)
The duck game
Shoot the ducks to get tokens!
You only have 5 seconds!
But never shoot the yellow duck
The hammer game
Hit the Red: 0 pts
Hit the Yellow: 25 pts
Hit the Green: 50 pts
Hit the Blue: 150 pts!
Press the “Smack it” button or “Spacebar”
Shoot the freak
Shoot them! Get points every time you shoot them!
Move around! (Look around)
You only get 30 seconds!
5 points for Bozo!
10 points for QD!
25 points for The Ringleader!
-15 points for the Ghost!
Freak survival!
Bozo: He’s quite aggressive, if he gets too close use your sprits bottle and spray him right in his eyes!
The Ringleader: He’s your boss, better listen to him and do what he says, or you might be retiring a bit early!
QD: He’s quite a fast freak! Better hit him with your broom before he gets out of your view (He’s a bit too playful!)
Ghost: He’s quite peaceful, but don’t look at him for too long or you might go insane!
Invisible freak: The invisible Freak is transparent. Be wary of any noises he makes, to calm him down give him a treat.
Story mode!
•Complete every floor by pressing “CTRL” inside the room you start
-“Search” to find a key
Floor 1
-“Search” the storage area for the power control
-Enter it in the power room-Complete the ghost side quest (Hidden)
Floor 2
-Go to the different rooms to find “Power Notes” (MUST FIND each time)
-Enter the code inside the room at the bottom (1 button)-Complete the ghost side quest (Hidden)
Floor 3
-Complete the ghost side quest (Hidden) Do it first!
-Find the color code
-Find the code
-Put the code on the keypad
Floor 5
-Find a yellow paper (Check the letters of “HIS”)
-Go to the room with keys (Letters of “HIS” mores code)
H= 4 dots
I= 2 dots
S= 3 dots-Complete the ghost side quest (Hidden)
Floor 6
-Just enjoy the cutscene! :D
Floor ? (After the cutscene)
*Press “R” if you get lost!
-Go left first and collect the gas
-Go back down and head right
-Go until you see “This is a good place to set a fire”
-Press “CTRL”
-Just enjoy the cutscene! :D
Congrats you beat the game!