Freddy's Spontaneous Day Job
2 years ago

Freddy's Spontaneous Intro demo out! (More info in article)


We just released a demo for the game! It's short, but I hope it will be enough to have you all understand how the game will be like.

Here's some things to keep note of:

  1. Like I said, it's short. It's just the intro of the game. (Which is 6-7 minutes long, depending on what you do.)

  2. Things in this demo will DEFINITELY CHANGE. There are some things we haven't added in yet. Those are mostly just graphical changes, though.

That's all I have for now. Enjoy the demo!



Next up

Here's a preview of one of the minigames that will be in the game! I am still working on this, and most of the things you see here will definitely be changed in the release.

FSDJ February 2023 Update + Intro Demo update on the 17th!

Dev Update 6/2/24

Here are some new renders I made for the game. Also, a big update is coming soon.


Le !

FSDJ January 2023 Update - New Character + more!


Still on vacation. (With my mom, dad, and brother.) Currently staying in an Atlantic City hotel. (Pretty fancy.) I got a little bored of just sitting around in this room, and decided to post this Kiwi I drew at some point during the long car ride.

Hey all, I don't have anything ready to show just yet. Hoping I can get this ready for show within 2 weeks. Meanwhile, enjoy this screenshot.