Five Stupid Nights with the Hedgehog (FNaS Fangame)
1 year ago

FSNwtH Mini Devlog - Modes

Let's talk about modes! The current modes list is:

  • Main Mode - The Main 5 Nights

  • IRL Time Mode - The game actually lasts 6 hours per night

  • Custom Night - Challenges, new characters, & more!

  • Encore Mode (?) - This one's just an idea, but it's where the place looks different and other characters replace the main cast. Tell me your thoughts please!


  • Lab Mode - FNaS MM: There's no point including it.

  • Discord Mode - FNaS 5 Remake: No.

  • IRL Time Mode - FNaS 2 (Scrapped): This is why I'm doing it. It's a funny idea to me.

#fnaf #fnas #SpingrtrapSweep

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Next up

Out of context idea development.

So, about that office wip I showed off a couple days ago?

It is from a game I'm working on, and I'm hopefully gonna get a game page up for it soon.

For now, have the first two dev screenshots from a while back. #fnas

Not sure which Mario design to go with, left or right?

#fnas #fivenightsatsonics

forget this.

trying again tomorrow.

so, what do we think of this?

any prop suggestions are appreciated (especially fnas 2 and 4 rep) #fnas

So, I've been trying to export a Psych Engine build.

And it keeps giving me this, any ideas on how to fix it?

Here's the only designs I have from the pre-stupid era. (They were also changed)

Guys give me Vs. Sonic.Exe fan songs.


Gamepage teaser moment