3 days ago

Fuck.. fuck.. Fuck.. fuck FUCK.. I WANNA DIE LET ME DIE FOR ONCE NOBODY IN MY FAMILY WOULD CARE... I just wanna die.. Please my life is just Nothingness I'm nothing. I'm a Daddy's Girl If but my dad isn't here.. Let ME FUCKING SEE HIM HE ACTAULLY LOVED ME



Next up

I'm in fucking tears rn..

Body Reveal 🫠

You guys.... I feel so FUCKING TERRIBLE.. I fucking made my gf upset... I didn't meant to and she was the one I loved. Its fine if she lost feelings and such but I just need time to process this stuff..

. (my fucking voice sucks)

(Idk how I feel, sorry... U can talk to me on the comments)

❤️ Love you ML @Lunarthebeanbag

A little bit of Stolas Memes ^^

If anybody wants to be fizz that's fine! First to comment they wanna? Love all of you guys though for being there.

This is for My girl ❤️

No but why these actually do cute! 😧 Like Mr puzzle's and Vox My 2 favorite characters

Aww thank you @Punk_Cato_ *ML* Well friendly Ml not a weird ML lol :)