Bubble Bass and Francis get into a heated argument on an online board over who would win between Goku and Superman. Bubble Bass argues that Superman wins, to which Francis calls him 12 trillion slurs and says that Goku wins. Bubble Bass gets so mad that he doxxes Francis and visits his castle, only to be confront by Francis and his robots.

Will the tubby bass fish prevail? Or will the nerdy chameleon show him who's boss?

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I get this image and the video in general is pretty insensitive and all, but I'm sorry dude, this image out of context is just too fucking funny for me

my MUGEN is ready

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Happy Star Trek day!

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"I drank an 8 ball of coke

And now I'm wretched and broke

As I stare into the endless aethos

I slap my diaper with woe"