Five Nights at Arias 2: Remake (Official)

2 years ago

Full game released!!

It's been 1 year and a half since we started the development, we had to redo everything because of some problems and then we split up for some time.

The path where the game was going it was certainly unknown, but thanks to the support of everyone we could come back in development again!

I want to thanks everyone for being patient, we couldn't finish this game without your support and thanks god we finally manage to release the game!

As a final note, i'd like to invite all of you to our new Discord Server, with more safety and new channels!

Thank you SO MUCH for the support and help with the game, big things are coming!

-FNaA Dev Team



Next up

ROBLOX OCS!!! Part 1

cah caw

March 14

Molten Arias plushie

I'm in love with this skin!!!

Raven team leader :3


No news for now

We're still stuck making the Cutscenes ☠️

Coming to you

Almost 1 year making this game, wow!

Also here's some recent progress made by @IcesRicks

I turned the (almost) whole FNaTI soundtrack into a vinyl disk!

This personal project took 5-6 months and it costed more than 250 dollars!