Nightshifts in the E.X.I.T: Classic RECODED
1 year ago

Fun fact about this game: If you saw this game way back in 2021 when I released the original gamepage before this one then you will remember that there was a scrapped light mechanic which was going to be used for Classic Four and Classic X

where if they entered the office you would have to shut off the light until they left

Four had a different mechanic as well where he would have been like X but I changed it for him to act like Freddy from FNAF 1 where he doesn't show up at the door

Shadow Four would have been a UCN Nightmarionne type character where if you had his mouse over him he would have faded in, I removed this because it was hard to code and I felt like it would make the game hard

X was the only one that kept his mechanic from 2021 where he shows up at the door and you will have to close it



Next up

Looks like Heloise from Nightshifts at Jimmy's Diner is trying to fix something, come back later to check on what she's doing! Play NSAJD here:


Unnecessary post but peak has just arrived for me in the mail today

Rat Race Production Update

V1.1 releases TOMMOROW!!

Coming sometime this month...

''Could someone be at my window?''

V1.1 coming soon!!!