Ultra FNaTI Night

3 days ago

Fun fact: This was originally gonna be a Big FNaTI 6.0 Custom Night

This really was originally planned to be just FNaTI 6.0 with most of the 6.0 characters. But then I thought "Hey, why don't I just do every single FNaTI there was?" and here we are...

(The images provided were old dev screenshots before UFN.)

Also, this old roster and the first roster of UFN early in development with done with clones. During development, I had issues with them, so now they are separated.

Another thing, I planned to have them unlocked via challenges (as seen in the first 4 screenshots.) like the original 6.0. I scrapped it because I don't wanna have to do 1 million challenges and also the time it would take to get those said characters.

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Happy (Early) Birthday Sonic!!!!1!11!1!!!1!1!!

Game page is here yay!!!!!111!!1!1!11

No. THIS is enough characters, right?

Robert Rat

Development is going smoothly

(Models by FourteenL and Radiance)

I uh.. art.... yeah art.

I do that sometimes :)


Peak gaming

Again, Development is going smoothly. (I guess)

Version 2.2.0 release

★_-[The Expressive Update]-_★ 5/30/24

Happy birthday sonic!1!11!1! (for real this time!1!!)