3 years ago

Fun trivia facts

All police across the entire universe usually wear protective helmet with a Golden Visor

Senper's mega-computer has a Screensaver
Amazook's rebranding is still in development
Most smaller fighter ship pilots are noted for having a poor taste in music

Missile Silos are a common sight around the cliffs of Sanberin
There is a Tank yard near the old HQ, there is a faction of (less then sane) scavengers
Amazook is both one of the most noticed Planets and one of the most ignored, this is because anything eventful happens is tied to Amazook, but because it always is, this has become less and less of a viable topic.

Scientists are the rarest job anyone can have.
Some clocks are magical, however using them may come at a cost..
Sanberin is most notable for its "cleansing-safe-circle", there is a specific circle of sorts in Sanberin's Elstian Forest that meteors have never on record hit.
Water provides air to specific species however instantly intoxicates anything else that inhales it.
Jakooberious Mandeou is the only species of fish in Amazook that resembles a Jellyfish.
Most predators in the underwater wastelands of East Bevenwood (Henstergrav) have mutations, this is because they can fuse together while developing.
All fungi are poisonous, do not trust their lies.
Potions will always cause negative side-effects.
Fridges can randomly teleport things inside of them, this only works with normal fridge food.
Henstergrav has rich soil, this is where most farming takes place across the entire planet.
Tervinhan's Ship Graveyard mainly consists of important ships, like the S.S Sarvendor.
Most major crimes can give you up to 90 years in prison alone.
Amazook has 12 moons, however the biggest amount of visible moons in recorded history has only been 3.
Amazook's sun is small and will last for quadrillions of lightyears.
This, as a consequence, makes its power weak, and so Amazook is very close to the sun.

There are exactly 9 endangered species of bird.



Next up

Out with the BOYS

the shit you see in C-17 man

The consequences of theoretical physics

Me and a friend've been making a comic and her character uses a sniper rifle, and since she can't draw sniper rifles, I gotta do it to be honest I've learnt a lot over the course of half a week repeating the same L96A1 design

a few things I've drawn

199th Ground Division

a good christmas I would say

I did a thing