FNF Funked-Side

1 year ago

funked-side petscop 2



Next up

[last one FR this time, forgot i had this in my files and forgot to post it,]

tyler ish song thingy

sorry for the bad quality i did it because i didnt want to mix it (lazy) so i just put a filter to make it sound like it was recorded on a phone or smth

Update on the whitty song

[art by @ImJustBreadGuy ]

(not finished is still in the works)

GramApple is so funny

this is my favorite cllip 🤣🤣🤣

(sorry my computer and internet is a LITTLE bit slow)

Here is all the unused stuff that I made for funked-side

I liked some of the designs but hate how my art looks here (except funked side gf, that was bravice, I just animated it, I think she was drawn rad as fuck :)

(Also the bf gif broke for some reason)

Welcome to the funked-side community!

what if we kissed on the tyler the creator mugshot bed ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

“Funked-side adventure 2”

F.S-Bf but in the sonic adventure 2 artstyle

Since most people on the team like sonic(some more than others) I think it would be appropriate to make funked-side bf a sonic fan boy


Sorry for the lack of updates, or any sort of content in a while.

Progress was halted for a bit, but It’s starting to pick up again!

We’re gonna try to bring the mod to it’s fullest potential!


Tried making a song like a Flower Boy like song

or just a Tyler the creator song im not sure

Not so good mixing as my headphones were damaged a bit but im getting it fixed today

just something i made on the side working on another thing