4 years ago

Funny meme regarding both OMORI and Divina Pulcella Madoka.

When you realize both the SNOW ANGEL enemy and Megumi-sama looks similar to each other.



SNOW ANGEL touches <character's name> with its cold hands.

Megumi-sama touches Madoka with their immaterial hands. (OH GOD WHY)

SNOW ANGEL sings a beautiful song.

Megumi-sama sings a soothing lullaby so beautiful that nobody can resist it. (JEEBUS NO!)

SNOW ANGEL pierces <character's name>'s heart.

Megumi-sama slashes the enemies of the Cross with the Sword of Empyrean (WHYYYYYYYY?!)

OH MY G**! Did OMOCAT predicts Megumi's appearance?

(Not clickbait, tbh).

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Attack of the Killer Queen, my cover version.