reporter: This just in we have a follow up on the funtime story. Earlier today professor bookworm was found with 6 more genetic experiments similar to the ones found hiding in the vincent estate earlier this week. However both the creator and bookworm deny having any involvement in the making of these new creations which raises the question if the creator of the original 7 and bookworm did not make them, who did? Bookworm himself was assigned to be the supervisor of the experimentation on these new creatures they have all been shipped to a new advanced location that is big enough to house all of them. There will be more on this story as it develops.
bookworm: What a bother why must my little darlings be persecuted like this? They may not always act like it but they are good at heart… well most of them at least, there is the one. I was on the verge of finding out what was happening with her only to be most rudely interrupted. Oh well I guess these foolish people will have to learn their power the hard way. What a's always the hard way