4 years ago

funtime files chapter 10

Valiant: Were here, are any of them awake?
Chara: No they are still asleep but look at how peaceful they look.
Narrator: Baby ballora mange and oliv were still asleep, but even in sleep they could tell they were together. Baby was hugging ballora mange was curled up on baby’s lap and oliv was leaning on baby’s side.
Chara: can you check us in, please.
Valiant: Yea sure.
Narrator: Mr valiant went inside for a few minutes and he came out with a room key and a luggage cart. Chara and valiant piled the still sleeping funtimes onto the cart and wheeled them to the room.
Chara: How about you guys head to the pool while I wait for the others to wake up. It might also be a good chance for you guys to catch up again.
Funtime fredric: Trust me, me and ennard have “caught up”.
Ennard: I can vouch for that.
Chara: Well… catch up with the empress then.
Funtime fredric: Okay.
Valiant: If you don’t mind I think I will go with you to observe.
Bon bon: Well that's creepy.
Chara: Oh well I guess you could use some supervision.
Narrator: So the other funtimes and valiant went off while chara stayed back and tended to the unconscious.

Narrator: Soon after baby,ballora, and mange woke up from their tranquilized state. Because this was the first time they had seen their parent in about a month the first thing they did was hug chara without a second thought. Chara explained to them what had happened and how they ended up there.
Chara: Now go down to the pool and meet up with the others. I believe that oliv might need some extra tending to.
Narrator: They obeyed and went off to meet the others.

Narrator: At the pool, ennard was in the hot tub by himself the others were too scared to join him because he was causing the water to spark and glow. The empress was at the bottom of the main pool inside a little dome she made around herself. There was a straw sticking up from the top of it and it stretched well above the water's surface. Bon bon was holding up a few dollars betting fredric to put his hand over it. Valiant was sitting in one of the chairs partially watching but he was also texting someone else.
Funtime fredric: Who are you texting.
Valiant: None of your---
Empress: he is texting some of his comrades, something about the badtimes.
Narrator: She said with telepathy.
Valiant: Can you please stay out of my mind.
Empress: No.
Valiant: well if you must know I am planning on freeing the badtimes and having you meet at a certain drop off point.
Funtime fredric: You're going to leave us somewhere.
Valiant: No they are being dropped off at that point and we are going to pick them up there.
Funtime fredric: Ohhhh okay.
Narrator: Just at that point baby ballora and mange walked through the door.
Funtime fredric: baby, ballora, mange!
Bon bon: it's so good to see you again.
Empress: It is a pleasure to feel your presence again.
Baby: It's so good to see you too.
Funtime mange: (bark).
Ballora: Ennard were you planning on keeping that hot tub to yourself.
Ennard: Wh-why no o-of course not.
Narrator: The sparking and glowing stopped and ennard started to blush.
Valiant: What’s going on with him?
Empress: Ennards mind seems lus--.
Empress: I shall remain quiet for now but you cannot run from your true feelings.
Funtime fredric: Ennard really likes ballora.
Narrator: Fredric said with a whisper.
Valiant: Aren't you guys siblings.
Funtime fredric: Not biologically we are the equivalent to step-siblings which I guess is a little wrong still but we don’t mind.
Bon bon: It gets ennard to be nice to someone so that’s a plus.
Valiant: Does she know?
Bon bon: Oh yes she knows however she is not sure whether to return the feelings or to keep using it for benefits.
Empress: I sense mixed feelings in her mind.
Ballora: Empress stop reading our minds!
Empress: No.
Baby: come on I think it’s kind of cute.
Ennard: Hey empress read her mind.
Empress: I sense two separate thoughts. One from baby and one from scrap. Baby is happy we are all together and scrap…. I think it is best I don’t say what I see. Only I should be traumatized by what I have seen.
Scrap: Good and it better stay that way.
Baby: Scrap can’t we go one day without you ruining something!
Scrap: No f#ck you.
Scrap: What do you mean do you not like it when I say
Baby: don’t say it
Scrap: f#ck.
Baby: Oh come on.
Funtime mange: (bark).
Valiant: Well I have business to attend to so you guys get acquainted again.
Narrator: So that's what they did. Ballora joined ennard in the hot tub. Baby sat down in the pool (it was five feet deep and she was still able to keep her head above the water comfortably) and funtime mange was doing the doggy paddle around the pool.

Narrator: Back at the room chara was winding down and had sat oliv on the couch.
Chara: Well let's see what is on the news.
Reporter: We are here live at the mayor's office and he is about to give a public announcement. What's that? Oh well, here he is now. Citizens of nowheresville
The mayor: I am both saddened and honored to announce that I will be giving up my title and giving it to this gentleman here. This is all my idea and definitely not by force. So please give a warm welcome to your new mayor--.
William: William ST Afton. Yes, you heard him correctly I will be your new mayor… but the title of “mayor” will soon enough have a different name.
Chara: NO… NOOOOOO. Who would give that lunatic a position like that? I have to call valiant.
Valiant: (riiiiiiing) What.
Chara: change of plans we can’t go back to our hometown.
Valiant: What why?
Chara: William is the new mayor and if he finds out that we're back then he will use all of his power to hunt down both the funtimes and the badtimes. And I promise you that if he catches them he will subject them to a fate worse than death!
Valiant: Don’t worry I know just the place I just have to make a few calls. I’ll call you back. Okay, pick up, please.
?: Yello.
Valiant: Yes it's me valiant.
?: Oh valiant we are preparing the badtimes for transport. Where do you want us to take them?

valiant: bring them to my summer estate. And send me… the badtime files



Next up

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