4 years ago

funtime files chapter 2

Specimen 2
Name: ballora
Height: 6ft 6in
Weight: 80lbs
Head researcher: Valerie hive

Day 1
Valerie: Ballora was brought here today and from the look on her face, I could see that she wanted nothing to do with any of us. When interviewed she answered as vaguely as possible. I was the only one she seemed to get along with, maybe it was because I talked to her like she was a person and not a monster as the others did. There were two things that caught my eye when I interviewed her, the first was her height, she towered over everyone, being six and a half feet tall. A little ironic considering chara is very short in stature. The other thing I noticed was that she had a subtle but distinguishable Asian accent odd considering that none of the others have any exotic accent that I know of. Ballora told me that she will have an interesting time “studying” us… I don't know what she means by this….

Day 1
Ballora: I have been brought to this place against my will (ugh how annoying). These people are trying to talk to me but I can tell from their tone of voice that they don't see me as their equal so why should I open up to people who do not respect me, especially when judgment day comes around, I will give them their time. The only one I kind of like is that Valerie girl, she seemed to respect me and I enjoy people who do the right thing. They say they are excited to study me but I don't think they know who is really being studied. I also could not help but notice the bulge underneath her shirt its not fat, its rounder than fat. What is it?

Day 2
Valerie: Ballora has become accustomed to her room, two things that we noticed was that her entire room was lined with a sticky thread-like substance almost like a spider web. We also noticed that the 24 pack of water in her refrigerator is completely empty. This would be an unhealthy amount of water for a normal person but I guess she drinks more than normal people do.

Day 2
Ballora: The room I was given was so drab, nothing of interest anywhere, of course, I have to make things look good because no one else has any decoration sense. Luckily there was an acceptable amount of water to help me with my decoration needs now that the formalities are out of the way it is time for my little friends to come and help me

Day 3
Valerie: There has been a noticeable increase in the number of insects around the facility and we tried to use insect repellent around her room but she went into anaphylactic shock! And we needed an EpiPen to stabilize her, it seems that she is deathly allergic to insect killer. I guess we are going to have to live with the bugs. hmmm I wonder if they are connected to her in away… nah it can’t be

Day 3
Ballora: Those fools! are they trying to kill me and my friends?! why, I should have shown them my wrath right then and there... but no, I must keep my composure... judgment day will come I just have to wait

Day 7
Valerie: We have started our studies and we have concluded that she is very reactive to things like light, music, and temperature. When we brightened the light in her room her eyes went dark and she started creeping closer to the light as if she were obsessed with it but when we turned it off she began to react spasticity before coming to her senses and holding her hand in front of her face. What we saw afterward was truly remarkable, her hand seemed to conduct electricity to create light. For our next experiment, she was exposed to different music genres, these were the results
Soft music: she seemed to be most productive when, soft, calm music was playing, she would cover more of her room with her “web” while humming the tune
Rock: did not seem to enjoy it, she was not productive and would much rather listen to something quieter
“Hippie” music: she rolled up some of her webs into a joint, lit it on fire with her fist, and started smoking it while laughing at us… I think she was just messing with us
Street rap: we would have done further testing but after 5 seconds she electrocuted the speaker stabbed it 58 times with icicles and set it on fire while watching it burn all the while she had an evil scowl on her face and chanted nope over and over again… so no more street rap
Next, we tampered with the temperature of her room. When the temperature of her room dropped she lit her fists on fire and hovered them close to her body to warm herself. When we heated up her room her fists turned to ice and a pair of wings sprouted from her back she flapped her wings together rapidly to fan herself while rubbing her fists on her body. It is interesting how she reacts to her environment

Day 7
Ballora: Ooh what a long day it's been sooooo much testing I could not get a break, fist they tamper with m precious light, then they play all sorts of music from perfect to evil, and even tampering with the temperature oh how I cannot wait until I fall asleep

Day 10
Valerie: One of our researchers from Japan came over to observe ballora and do an interview. He started the interview speaking in Japanese and not only did she understand him but she was able to communicate with him I watched as the two of them had a full conversation in Japanese, after the interview he told me that ballora has an advanced level of speech in three languages English, Japanese, and apparently French as well. According to him, she is the only funtime that could speak in multiple languages and that she had some “things” to say about the rest of the staff. I got to say that it's nice to see her opening up to other people

Day 10
Ballora: I was met with this Japanese guy who seemed nice, I must say that it is nice to talk with someone and have no one else know what either of you is saying, it makes it soooo much easier to talk to people. Maybe these people are not so bad after all… nah

Day 12
Valerie: I came to ballora’s room today to find a horrific sight, one of our janitors was found dead in her room shriveled and dry, with bugs eating at his body. When we went in ballora was standing over him she looked at us and said: “well get him outta here he’s gonna stink up the place”. I looked at the security footage and saw that he was intoxicated, he entered ballora's room and started yelling at her, calling her a demon and a monster she crept towards him and he started yelling louder and eventually he threw his bottle which hit her right in the face and shattered on impact the shards cut and pierced her as she stepped back and it appeared that she was crying for a second before he started yelling and insulting her again. Then I could see a change in her, she stared at the camera as her eyes started to glow and she grew an extra set of arms one of the new fists turned into an icicle and she stabbed him right through the chest she then grabbed his body and bit down on his neck, after zooming in I could see that her canine teeth grew longer and resembled fangs, she proceeded to suck out all of his blood when she was done she began to shamble around her room slurring her words and getting really emotional… I think she was a little drunk. The creepy part was that in the background you can see a mass of bugs feeding on his body…(shudders)

Night 11
Ballora: Th-this guy he-he comes i-in here a-and starts yelling at me (hic) li-like what the hell right (hic) a-and even wo-worse he throws hi-his bottle at me (burp) oh god I th-think drank a-a little too much


Day 12
Ballora: What happened last night and why do I feel terrible. Oh god is that guy dead… oh wait... now I remember yea he totally (OW)... feels like I have not pulled out all the shards (ow OW) ugh my little friends have not taken care of him yet ugh can't you guys eat him faster

Day 28
Valerie: The number of insects is getting out of hand, they are everywhere, and the worst of all people are getting sick and having to take the day off, we are now severely short-staffed. Ballora herself seems to have no negative effects and recently she has just been watching us move around as if she is waiting for something to happen

Day 28
Ballora: Judgment day is almost here my plan is almost complete

Day 29
Valerie: Staff is at an all-time low and the insects are getting restless, the code that keeps ballora's enclosure locked was stolen. luckily I still have it written down and saved on my laptop

Day 29
Ballora: Judgement day is almost upon us my plan is in place and the stage is set... hehehe

Day 30
Valerie: I am currently hiding under a table in a locked room. Ballora got out and started to rampage throughout the building, killing everyone, however, I think I am saf--

Ballora: Crank those gears, the music is in me, it's been a real, long day and I’m dying to be free., don't stop now, cuz I can guarantee, when the silence drops I’m the last thing that you'll see., bones recoil your time is nearly out, you've got 1 percent and no one can hear you shout., all goes black, you hear the victims roar, it's been a real fun game but I’m BREAKING DOWN THAT DOOR.


Valerie: Shes here

Ballora: Why do you hide inside these walls. when there is music in my halls. all I see is an empty room now more joy an empty tomb
Is someone there? I can hear you breathing… perhaps not

Valerie: I think she lef--

Ballora: FOUND YA

Valerie: Oh god please don't kill me, please! I’m begging you!

Ballora: Hmm well I do like you but I don't want witnesses

Valerie: Please I’m going to start a family soon! please!

Ballora: Hm? What do you mean starting a family

Valerie: I...I’m pregnant!

Ballora: Hmm, so that's what it looks like, chara told me about this but I have never actually seen it… what have I done? I am doing this to get back to my family but I realize that in doing so I have broken so many others. I’m sorry I truly am I… need to do something

Valerie: She left… I’m getting out of here

Day 31
Valerie: I came back to an unusual sight outside the facility, I saw two gravestones one with the words “I'm sorry” carved in it and the other with all of the name tags of the people who she killed I looked up and I swear I could see her flying away… or maybe it was just a bird was too far away to tell. I went inside and the place was completely abandoned even the insects had left, but the place was completely clean, no webs, no blood, no bodies or anything, all that was left was a note taped to my desk saying “best wishes. Ballora”

Day 31
Ballora: Everything is done I only have one more objective left (as well as think long and hard about how I have been doing things.) oh well…. Chara--
I’m going to come find you

Valiant: you have a lot of explaining to do
Chara: what is it?
Valiant: I just got a call saying that 20 people were declared dead at one of the labs, all from one of your...creatures
Chara: what a shame
Valiant: is this one big joke to you
Chara: no of course not trust me I know death very well and I am truly sorry for your loss
Valiant: if these… things were not scientific miracles I would have them put down
Chara: hahahah now THAT is a joke
Valiant: What do you mean
Chara: I mean there is no way in hell that you can put them down
Valiant: watch me
Chara: you, my friend are a fool
Valiant: oh yea wise guy
Chara: yea and you are going to pay
Valiant: what are you rambling about
Chara: I am going to give you one warning if you are here when my children come for me you will most certainly die and to be honest I am trying to prevent as much death as possible
Valiant: like hell you are
Chara: hmhmhm at the end of the day all of this loss, all of this death, is your fault you have the power to set my children free and prevent this from ever happening again but instead you choose to keep them locked up and look at what has become of it
Valiant: your insane you know that
Chara: aren't we all a little insane
Valiant: don't get all philosophical with me buster
Chara: hehehehe 2 down five to go




Next up

I missed this weapon in the original scout post so here is its own video. The deadly twins

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so idecided to remake my nerf TF2 showcase. i decided i'm going to do the classes in order this time so we're starting with the scout

So people have been sharing this around

My thoughts

I have ascended

I do as the picture guides

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So in my original spy post (link here https://gamejolt.com/p/alright-time-for-the-next-part-if-my-nerf…) I mentioned that I made a specific video for the loose launcher and here it is. Let me know if you want one for LA roulette

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