4 years ago

funtime files chapter 3

Specimen 3
Name: funtime oliv
Height: 5ft
Weight: 120 lbs
Status: aggressive?
Lead researcher: burnie crisp

Day one
Burnie: Funtime oliv came in today, we got her measurements and she was surprisingly heavy, after doing a few tests, we found out that her head is surprisingly dense, in fact about half of her body weight is in her oddly round head, and when I say round, I mean it is a perfect sphere no edges or anything. Speaking of her head, she is completely bald except for one singular hair that pokes out from an oddly shaped lump and goes all the way down to her waist, even so she prides herself on her one hair saying “my one hair is better than all of your hairs combined”, in fact she seems to be very prideful in general, and cannot take a blow to her ego in the slightest. When one of the employees made a snide comment on her odd appearance the hair on her head caught fire and started to burn the hair from the top-down, luckily we were able to put it out quickly… I do not want to know what will happen when that hair is fully burned
Day 1
Funtime oliv: Oh how inconvenient I have been whisked off to this place against my will so these idiots can “study” me, oh what a bother, it's not like they will remember anything they learn about me, oh well tomorrow I will give them a taste of what I can do
Percentage until detonation 95%

Day 2
Burnie: Funtime oliv has now been acquainted with her room we were going to do some tests but one of our employees was knocked unconscious just by opening the door to her room he was sent to the hospital but I do not know if he is okay or not. After doing some tests we saw that the air in her room had become very toxic, however, she does not seem to be affected by it. Also, her hair had ignited again and it was quickly put out but I guess I did not notice quick enough because her hair is significantly shorter
Day 2
Funtime oliv: Haha they didn't even know what hit them, that guy had a good whiff of my breath and I had half a mind to ignite it but no I have to save some destruction for later
Percentage until detonation 75%

Day 7
Burnie: The hazmat suits and oxygen tanks have just gotten in now we can observe funtime oliv without having to worry about the toxic gas now testing can finally begin
Day 7.5
Burnie: Apparently that gas is super flammable, great, now we need to order oxygen tight and fireproof suits ugh you know she certainly is making this hard and if we're not careful things could get a lot worse, that pesky hair on her head is even shorter than last time, I tell ya if that thing gets too short I might just take off work until I get confirmation that nothing bad will happen
Day 7
Funtime oliv: Hahahahah there making it too easy I mean getting those suits was clever but I have more up my sleeve for them… although I might want to keep them around for a little longer, mostly because they have not given me anything I can eat yet and I am starving, hmmmm should probably tell them I don't eat regular food ohhh that gives me an idea, hehehe they will be so “surprised”
Percentage until detonation 60%

Day 8
Burnie: I am still waiting for those new suits to come in but in the meantime, I have noticed that funtime oliv has lost a considerable amount of weight in the past week so I asked her what the issue was and she told me to bring her things like wood, oil, gasoline and for some reason, she insisted on me bringing her cotton balls… whatever she's into I guess
Day 8.5
Burnie: That little ***** I go in there to give her those cotton balls she oh so demanded and she starts to breathe fire at me. I swear I should just stop feeding her in general because if shes gonna bite, or burn, the hand that feeds her... well that hand is not gonna want to get burnt. Now I have to head to the hospital to take care of this nasty burn. Also today I noticed her hair was about half the length it was when she got here
Day 8
Funtime oliv: (nom nom) mmmm cotton balls
Percentage until detonation 50%

Day 14
Burnie: Finally those new suits came in, now we can finally make some progress on researching her
Day 14.5
Burnie: I am getting tired of this. How was I supposed to know she can throw her head AND that it explodes !? jeez, its like shes hell-bent on being the biggest pain in the ass this lab has ever seen. Also, her head grew back after it was thrown and the head looked exactly like the previous except that hair was even shorter this time
Day 14
Funtime oliv: Jeez these guys just won't give up, will they ever get the message that I do not want to be handled or researched I mean I am very scar-- I mean annoyed that I have been taken away from my family and strange people are trying to study me..... Pfft scared what a joke I mean me funtime oliv being scared... what a joke (sniff) yea a joke.... right?
Percentage until detonation 30%

Day 15
Burnie: Okay I have had enough of this I am confronting her about her actions because it is getting really out of hand
Day 15.5
Burnie: We had a heated argument (literally) and her hair is near a stub but it seems that she weirdly respects me or something because she told me to tell everyone to take off work tomorrow, I don't know why but seeing her hair that short scares me and I think she is being serious so I did as she instructed I ordered everyone to take off work most of them listened but a few hard-working and/or stubborn workers say there going anyway... well their risk I guess, whatever happens, I am going to be safe and take the day off
Day 15
Funtime oliv: Me and burnie had quite the squabble but while arguing with him I realized that my hair was getting short and because I am not totally heartless I decided to warn him about what is to come, what can I say I was feeling nice and I still have a few cotton balls left so I guess I was just happy
Percentage until detonation 10%

Day 16
bernie: I was watching the news today and what I saw shocked me. The research building had been blown up in a huge fiery explosion the news says it was an act of terrorism but I get the feeling that I know what or more accurately who caused this,
I just hope those workers were only kidding when they said they were staying behind
Day 16
Funtime oliv: Well that's done and now I’m off to find chara... but first I am feeling a little hungry. I think that there is a Walmart nearby ohhh I can get so many cotton balls but after I’m done, chara...
I’m going to come find you
Percentage until next detonation 100%

Valiant: chara this is going too far
Chara: what are you bothering me with now
Valiant: oh nothing much it is just that one of your children just committed large scale arson no big deal
Chara: that funtime oliv sure knows how to go out with a bang
Valiant: oh so this is funny to you
Chara: knowing that little bombshell she probably warned them in advance
Valiant: well that is probably why there were so few bodies found there
Chara: yes she must have warned them in advance and they headed her warning, well most of them did anyway
Valiant: still if she had not warned them--
Chara: than she would have gotten a stern talking to and a bath (she hates getting wet)
Valiant: ugh you are … I don't have an insult for you today but I will have one next time
Chara: hehehe 3 down 4 to go


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