4 years ago

funtime files chapter 4

Specimens 4.1 and 4.2
Names: funtime fredric and bon bon
Heights: 4ft8in and 1 ft respectively
Weights: 70 lbs and 1 lb respectively
Status: non-aggressive
Head researcher: dooble trooble (pronounced do-blay tro-blay)

Day 1
Dooble: I have just gotten to the research facility. When I heard that there were humans created in a lab I came as fast as could (although the plane ticket was quite expensive) but whatever as a French man of science I must see them for myself
Day 1.5
Dooble: Oh they are so much more than I could have ever expected. At first, I thought it was one with a puppet on his hand but it turns out that “puppet” was also a living thing, oh if they are this intriguing on the first day, then I can't wait to learn more about them. However, I would like them more if they could speak French because I find it a little harder to speak English (however I can write in it just fine). I have set up a group email with craig, valorie, and burnie, so we can document our findings together. It appears that I came a little late because the others are already 10 days into their research and I actually got to speak with a different funtime known as ballora who thankfully spoke fluent French, oh why couldn't I get that one. Oh well beggars can't be choosers
Day 1
Funtime fredric: Me and bon bon were brought here and we were greeted by this French guy who seems to be enthusiastic about studying us.
Bon bon: Well then let's give them a show shall we.
Funtime fredric: why bon bon I think that would be a great idea.
Bon bon: That's what I am here for

Day 2
Dooble: Oh let the interview begin I can’t wait, I have so many questions... I hope I don't overwhelm the two. okay, dooble calm down it is just a miracle of science that has never even been attempted before.Deep breaths Dooble now let the interviews begin.
Day 2.5
Dooble: Oh what interesting specimens they are, apparently when they are together they can fire a high energy blast from bon bon's mouth, oh how interesting. they are not bound to each other either bon bon can separate from fredric’s hand whenever he pleases, he even let me hold him, his fur or hair or whatever is quite soft, I must ask him what shampoo he uses. There was one thing to worry about though, fredric is a little claustrophobic and the room he is provided with is a little small... but there is nothing that can be done about that
Day 2
Funtime fredric: Dooble is quite excited isn't he bon bon.
Bon bon: Yes but he is well-meaning.
Funtime fredric: Hmm maybe being studied is not such a bad thing.
Bon bon: Yea we’ve got a roof over our heads, three meals a day, and an adoring fan what’s not to like.
Funtime fredric: Well the room is a little small.
Bon bon: Yea well if that is the only bad side I would not mind staying awhile.
Fredric: AHHHH the walls are closing in on me.
Bon bon: Shhh the walls are not moving just go to sleep.

Day 6
Dooble: It appears that funtime oliv has sent her research building in flames, hmm what a shame, but nonetheless I have to keep going forward and hope that fredric does not get a similar urge. After all, we still do not know what powers he could be hiding (fwoom). Hey, what happened to the lights-- what is that-- another power outage? That is the third one this week-- what do you mean you don’t know the cause and why is the power bill so high ahhh I’ll settle this
Day 6
Funtime Fredric: Bon bon what happened to the lights!
Bon bon: It's just another power outage.
Funtime fredric: Why are there so many power outages.
Bon bon: The only thing I know that can cause this many power outages is-- no, it can't be that. We must be going through a storm or something.
Funtime fredric: Bon bon hold me please.
Bon bon: Okay you big baby.
Funtime fredric: not as big as baby herself eh bon bon.
Bon bon: Just shut up and go to sleep

Day 10
Dooble: I took the boys out for some target practice and learned that they are incredibly accurate (I lost that bet) and they have a very long-range, being able to shoot a target 5 kilometers away. I feel like I have really gotten to know them and I must admit they are actually quite funny and full of that American humor I am getting used to. My favorite part is when fredric tells the joke and bon bon says the punchline it just goes to show how in sync they are. I did ask them if they knew anything about the power outages and they said they knew nothing about it. Hmm, I am going to have to look into that.
Day 10
Funtime fredric: Wow shooting targets was so much fun.
Bon bon: I know, I actually never knew my limits until now and I feel so proud to see that we can shoot a target 5 kilometers away.
Funtime fredric: Hey how much is that in our terms again.
Bon bon: It is a little over 3 miles I believe.
Funtime fredric: That's crazy.
Bon bon: I know right

Day 20
Dooble: Research has been a huge success I believe that we have collected enough data on them to fulfill Mr valiant's needs just got to get the last bit of da--
Dooble: What is this?
Worker: sir another funtime has broken into the facility
Dooble: well then take me into the security room
Worker: but sir, it's too dangerous we have to evacuate
Dooble: I am here to observe so take me to the security room so I can observe them on the cameras
Worker: ok sir
Dooble: What I saw was amazing, another funtime known as ennard broke into funtime fredric’s room and I saw them chatter back and forth. Sadly our cameras do not have audio so I cannot understand what they were saying. But then something even more amazing happened ennard took fredric’s hand and started to absorb him into his body and in the end, they fused together. I have dubbed the fusion molten fredric. Wait a minute they are coming this way oh no they see me (eee) ..... they left... they... are gone why? what did I just witness? I must report my findings to valiant right away
Day 20
Molten fredric: Imgoingtocomefindyou

Valiant: I just got off the phone with Dooble and he says that two of your funtimes fused together
Chara: ah yes ennard
Valiant: what about ennard
Chara: his genetics are a bit odd he is compatible with all the funtimes in the fact that he can fuse with them to create a mixed set of powers
Valiant: ennard is probably the most sinister funtime yet considering the stuff he pulled in his escape and now you're telling me he can fuse
Chara: yes
Valiant: oohh if only you told me that would be very helpful
Chara: being helpful is not my highest priority
Valiant: listen you little freak of nature you better start talking or else I am going to get violent
Chara: if you go that route you will not like what comes your way
Valiant: sure let's go with that
Chara: five down 2 to go

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