4 years ago

funtime files chapter 5

Specimen 5
Name: baby
Height: 8ft 5in
Weight: 300 lbs
Status: non-aggressive
Head researcher: Adeline dult

Day 1
Adeline: Baby just came in today, the first thing that I noticed about her was her impressive size. I could tell that members of our crew were intimidated by her but I was not at all phased. The next thing I noticed was that she was not as mature as the other funtimes for she acts more like a child than the others, who are relatively adult for their age. She would not tell us anything in the interview, I think she was just nervous. She was not hostile but I believe that some of the staff was, in their heads at least. Well, I am about to head home an---
Adeline: what is that
Worker: it’s baby, she seems upset
Adeline: I will get to the bottom of this
Baby: (crying)
Adeline: baby what seems to be the issue
Baby: are you going to leave me here alone
Adeline: would you prefer something else
Baby: can you stay with me
Adeline: really?
Baby: yes
Adeline: ugh fine, I got nothing at home anyway

Day 2
Adeline: Well now I know what it feels like to be a giant’s body pillow, she would not let go, but she seemed happy for the night. I called up the other researchers to see if there was anything possible to help her sleep and according to, well all of the other funtimes she has a stuffed toy that was left at home, great now I have to go back to the Vincent estate to retrieve it, he will not be happy.
Day 2.5
Adeline: I went to the Vincent estate and asked for the toy. He was quite angry but he let me through.
Vincent: Do it quickly. my family lost something important so you might as well keep us from being reminded of it.
Adeline: I walked through the hall to the room that baby used to stay in, the whole time his children gave me glares and just by reading their faces, I could see that they were grieving. The one I assume to be the leader gave me the toy in person and a letter said
???: “ treat her well she-- no all of them were like family and if I find out that she was mistreated then we will all bring our wrath”
Adeline: he seemed serious so I think I will listen to him, not that I was planning on treating her badly but this is just one more reason not to

Day 7
Adeline: We decided to test baby’s lifting strength, and it was an astonishing 3000 pounds which is exactly ten times her body weight, quite fascinating indeed, we also tested her striking strength and she was strong enough to break through 3 ft of solid brick however she did complain about her fists hurting afterward. Speaking of which the room she was provided with was a little shorter than she is so she walks around on her fists like a gorilla so she was quite disappointed when she had to go back to her room. Luckily she is at least sleeping better now that I found her toy but I can’t get the image of those glares out of my head. Oh well sacrifices must be made for productivity

Day 10
Adeline: I was alerted by the sounds of gunshots, screaming, and crying. I went over to baby’s room to see that three workers were dead and their bodies were scattered around the room. Baby was in the back corner covered in blood and bawling her eyes out saying things like...
Baby: “not again” “I didn't mean to” “I’m so sorry”.
Adeline: I later looked at the security footage and I saw the three men entered her room one holding a bat, one with a gun, and one with a taser. The guy with a gun opened fire on her but all of the bullets just bounced right off, then the guy with a bat ran towards her when I slowed down the footage I saw her eyes go dark. All of a sudden she grabbed the man by the head and crushed it before he got a swing in. Next, the man with a taser fired at her stunning her momentarily but she got up immediately afterward and I watched as her right hand morphed into a giant claw she shot the claw right at the man and cut him in half. Then when slowing down the video I noticed her feet grew small “wheels” which allowed her to jump on to the ceiling and drop down on top of the third man where (when zooming in on the video) I saw her teeth grow sharp and bite the man's head clean off. I was horrified perhaps even traumatized by the video. I went to confront baby about her actions but all she said was
Baby: “it wasn't me it was scrap”
Adeline: but she started crying before I could ask who scrap was. The only thing I know about her is she is bad news.

Day 16
Adeline: It seems as though baby is getting a little restless saying things like
Baby: “where is chara” “I want my family back”
Adeline: oh the look on her face nowadays is just heartbreaking, even her usually perky pigtails are looking droopy. Speaking of which another employee tried to attack her but instead of killing him she bit him on the leg, one of her teeth actually got stuck in his leg now her pigtails flicker like lights on the end and whenever that employee gets close they blink faster. Could it be that she has some sort of internal tracking system? That seems to be the case and if so Mr valiant would find that very interesting. But I can’t help but feel sorry for the poor thing with all she’s going through. Although I still want to know more about “scrap” and how she plays a role in baby’s “programming” for lack of a better word. Not gonna lie, I think baby is starting to grow on me.

Day 22
Adeline: We had an intruder alert today just to find that it was three children, more specifically they were all children of Vincent. If I remember their names correctly they were Alfred, spring, and Chris. But these were no ordinary children they must have been using magic of some kind because Chris was able to disarm all of the workers with just his mind, then while they were confused spring started tossing small darts with some kind of chemical on them because once it hit someone they were out cold... she was either moving really fast or there was more than one of her at a time. Then Alfred teleported from body to body checking their pockets until he eventually found the code to baby’s room. The three of them went to baby's room and set her free when they unlocked the door baby asked them how they found her and they just said
Alfred: chara sent us
Adeline: I don’t know how he/she could because he/she is in jail. Hmm I wonder what they meant by it... oh well baby is gone and I have nowhere to go so I guess I am going home

Baby: I’m going to come find you

Valiant: so you are really going this route
Chara: yep
Valiant: you have nothing you want to say about baby
Chara: ah yes baby she is quite cute that one, I had so much fun designing her and I made her look as cute as possible for two reasons
Valiant: and what might those be
Chara: one I was in the mood for something cute at the time and two to make her seem innocent when something more sinister hides beneath
Valiant: you mean scrap
Chara: not originally she was added forcefully by the sponsor a long time afterward
Valiant: so scrap is not your fault
Chara: no only the sharp teeth were part of her original design, oh how I pity her for she is now in an internal struggle with herself trying desperately to not kill everyone around her I was working on a way to fix that but SOMEONE had to interrupt me, and very rudely I must add
Valiant: well if I had known that I would hav--
Chara: what? left me alone
Valiant: not what I was going to say but sure
Chara: what were you going to say
Valiant: trust me it's best if you do not know
Chara: I believe you but in any case 6 down one to go



Next up

So in my original spy post (link here https://gamejolt.com/p/alright-time-for-the-next-part-if-my-nerf…) I mentioned that I made a specific video for the loose launcher and here it is. Let me know if you want one for LA roulette

I do as the picture guides

I have ascended

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Lucky for me no one comments on my posts anyway so I'm pretty much immune to posts like these

hell's hooligans rebooted

betty que origin

so idecided to remake my nerf TF2 showcase. i decided i'm going to do the classes in order this time so we're starting with the scout

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So people have been sharing this around

My thoughts