4 years ago

funtime files chapter 7

Specimen 7
Name: the empress
Height: 6in
Weight: 5lbs
Status: non-aggressive
Lead researcher: Minnie ral

Day 1
Minnie: I have brought the empress to the facility today I volunteered to research her because when I saw her for the first time I was intrigued. The most intriguing part about her is the room she was found in the room was connected to the Vincent estate, but it was massive the room itself was big enough to fit another house. Maybe Mr Vincent wanted to build a house in his house (rich people am I right) but the room was covered wall to wall ceiling to floor with gold, it stuck to the wall it covered the floor and there were even golden stalactites hanging from the ceiling. I wondered how he got so rich from owning a mediocre pizza restaurant chain but I guess the pizza business is more profitable than I thought. Then there is the empress herself, she is sooo tiny but surprisingly dense I thought she was a little chubby at first but under a thin layer of skin she is completely solid. Odd and interesting at the same time. The empress is very friendly and enjoys being carried around.The empress wears the cutest little outfit, she is covered in golden Armour a purple cape hangs from her neck and she has the cutest little crown to go on her little head embedded in that crown is a beautiful golden jewel.I can see why she is called the empress because she looks like royalty. One thing that has stumped me is why would something so small need a room so big. Hopefully the room provided will suffice

Day 2
Minnie: The empress has gotten acquainted with her room she is too small to get on top of the shelves or anything. But I can't find my diamond necklace last time I had it I was with… oh no
Day 2.5
Minnie: She swallowed it whole I don’t know how but she did. However afterwards her body seemed to change, before she had long blonde hair and golden eyes but now they are replaced by a polished silver color even her usually golden Armour is a beautiful blue, she is also a little taller. The biggest change however is her personality she now believes that she actually is royalty and that we should bow to her. I refused and she got very mad at me throwing a mini tantrum I mean mini because she is only a foot tall. When exiting the room I noticed a diamond jewel was somehow added to her crown and little splotches of gold and diamond around her room. Tomorrow I am going to test a hypothesis I have concocted.

Day 3
Minnie: The empress still thinks she is royalty and she is a little bigger. Today I have brought in my husband who is a jeweler as well as a few jewels from his workplace. The first jewel we showed her was silver she took it and swallowed it whole and as I expected she began to change. She grew a little taller a silver jewel was added to her crown and her hair eyes and Armour turned silver after eating it she just lied down on her back and looked at the ceiling, she seemed gloomy and uninterested in doing anything.then we tried a ruby she swallowed it and the usual changes occurred… and she got mad, she was raging around her room yelling and cursing and she even started to breathe fire a little. Then we tried sapphire again the normal changes occurred and she then started to cry and cry and cry to the point where her room began to flood a little with sparkling blue tears. Then we tried emerald this time she started to act a little weird she was laughing at everything her eyes became bloodshot and we realized quickly that she was high. We went back to gold and she acted like she did when she found her. We must have gotten carried away because now she’s 5 feet tall and 500 pounds. Worse yet she wants me to carry her again. In any case we learned a lot about her today her appearance height and personality are all affected by whatever mineral she had eaten last. Now her crown resembles a rainbow and her room has a similar look.

Day 4
Minnie: I came back to the empresses room to a surprising sight she doubled in size overnight, completely outgrew her room and was walking around the facility I found her stuck in one of the doorways Winnie the pooh style I also noticed her crown had a few new jewels like copper metal porcelain and concrete. Also around the building were spires and statues in different areas of the building. The most interesting of which was on the largest wall in the building she made a mural of herself and the other funtimes standing next to each other with who I can assume to be chara in the center. The empress is starting to talk more with her first intelligible words being the empress: help me I’m stuck in the doorway
Minnie: there is a team trying to pull her out as I speak. At this point I am going to let her walk around the building she can’t fit in the doorways anyway so there is no risk.

Day 7
Minnie: She has completely outgrown the building, and she gives a new meaning to the phrase “eat me out of house and home” because not only did she outgrow the facility but she ate it as well. She is walking into the distance I should record one more thing
Specimen 7
Name: the empress
Height: 100ft
Weight: 50 tonnes
Status: non aggressive
former researcher: Minnie ral
Empress: I’m going to come find you

Valiant: so the empress
Chara: ah the empress a very fitting name
Valiant: how is she so big
Chara: honestly I don’t know
Valiant: what
Chara: the empress is not mine or at least she was not made by me I took her in as my own and I consider her one of the funtimes
Valiant: what do you know about her
Chara: she was made by the sponsor and kept in a dark crowded cave with a chain around her leg that she somehow could not chew through her sole purposes were to sink ships and make the sponsor money. I found her cramped and miserable so I freed her and took her with me. She is (usually) so nice and is a joy to have around (plus infinite wealth is a good plus) but that is very minor I don't care if she was made of dirt (which she can be if she eats it) I still love her like all the other funtimes.
Valiant: can she control her size
Chara: I think so I am not sure. I know she can shrink but I think she needs time to grow again
Valiant: is that all you know
Chara: all that and what your researcher fou--
Valiant: what is it
Chara: she’s communicating with me
Valiant: I think I hear it too
Empress: I’m going to come find you
Valiant: what is happening
Chara: I don’t know
Empress: we are going to come find you
Chara: well she’s right about that, all of the funtimes are free and you can bet your ass there coming here so you better be ready
Valiant: oh I am
Chara: good 7 down none to go




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