4 years ago

funtime files chapter 9

Narrator: The funtimes have arrived at the prison and are attacking from all sides. Baby thought she was so strong she could walk right through the front door and just stroll her way to chara. She opened one door to be greeted by 40 guards all armed with tranquilizers.
Scrap: shall I take this one.
Baby: No scrap I think I have this besides I don’t want anymore blood on our hands.
Scrap: I hear ya blood is such a b#tch to wash out.
Baby: Not what I meant.
Narrator: The guards then unloaded their tranquilizers on her. She seems unaffected as she picks up and tosses the guards around until there was only one left.”screw this I am getting my gun” he then pulls out a revolver and fires all six of his shots at her they all bounce right off of her skin as if they were nothing.
Baby: I don’t think you’re allowed to do that. You need to be taught a lesson.
Scrap: Now shall I take control.
Baby: No.
Narrator: baby then grabs the gun from his hand and crushes it. She lifts him up by the collar of his shirt and takes him to a corner.
Baby: Your in a time out you hear me.
Worker: What?
Baby: For shooting at me you going in the corner.
Worker: But I do--.
Scrap: Your going into the f#cken corner right now.
Baby: Hey language.
Worker: Okay I’ll sit in the corner.
Scrap: you know what I’m gonna knock you out anyway.
Worker: really.
Scrap: Yea (bonk).
Baby: Good now if you excuse me there are about 80 tranquilizers in me and I am feeling a li--.(womp).

Narrator: Then funtime oliv and funtime mange meet up on the right side.
Funtime Oliv: Oh mangey its sooo good to see you again
Funtime mange: (bark)
Funtime oliv: you said it mange anyway I was just about to blow this wall down so you might want to backup
Funtime mange: (woof).
(Ka boooooooooooom).
Funtime oliv: see easy.
Worker: Stop right there.
Funtime oliv: Ah crap.
Funtime mange: (grrr) (row).
Narrator: Funtime mange then proceeded to attack the guard but before long more appeared with tasers and a fire hose. They sprayed both of them with the hose putting out olivs fire and stunning mange.Mange shakes it off and starts to attack the other guards all the while being under fire from the tranquilizers. Oliv tries to help but the water from the hose made her unable to make a spark. one guard comes up from behind mange with a neuse and gets it around her neck. She shakes off her glasses and a guard standing in front of her gets caught in her gaze he immediately takes the neuse off of her neck. Mange takes out the remaining guards with her claws, she then put on her glasses and starts marching to the door. However she does not make it far before passing out from all the tranquilizers and tasers. Funtime oliv is also unconscious from a few stray tranquilizers and from one guard tasering her while funtime mange was attacking the other guards

Ballora takes an areal approach, she flies into the tallest point and tries to enter from there. At least that is what she tried to. As soon as she got close a guard with a net gun fires and catches her in the net she plummets to the ground where another team catches her. She quickly burns the net off of her and jumps several feet back. She stands right in front of the wall and she raises her arms. All of a sudden a sea of bees mosquitoes and cicadas flow over the wall. The bee's sting the mosquitoes bite and the hum of the cicadas drowns out the screams of the guards. A few guards make it through where they are grabbed and thrown by ballora. All of a sudden there was a gunshot, ballora winces in pain as she looks down at her leg she was hit and it was bleeding fast. But she did not seem to care, she walked closer to the building with a limp in her stride. Another gunshot this time ballora falls to the ground with a wound in her other leg. Then her other set of arms sprouts from her back and she crawls toward the door. Four more gunshots. One in each arm. Finally she passes out unable to move any further. The insects stop fighting and come to her aid the bees start to swarm her feeding her a special jelly. The bees come and go over and over. The guards just sit and watch as this jelly heals her wounds. She then gets back up fully healed. But at this point several guards had gathered and they shot her with several rounds of tranquilizers knocking her unconscious.

Molten fredric takes the back end, he is faced with a hoard of guards he uses his wires to trap and entangle them and those who got close were killed with jolts of electricity.Molten fredric then enters the air vent from the side he goes unnoticed for awhile before mr valiant sees a disturbance in the vents. “Seal the vents” he said in confidence. The vents were sealed on all sides trapping him inside.
Molten fredric: mwahahaha.. Wait what is this a block?
Narrator: molten frederic pulls several wires off of his body.
Molten fredric: Search these vents and find any opening you can.
Narrator: the wires then disappear into the vents, they all come back signaling that there were no openings.
Molten fredric: Oh no I’m sealed inside ah crap. Help help get me outta here!
Narrator: He presses his ear against the wall and he hears a drilling sound.
Molten fredric: Help help!
Narrator: He cries all of a sudden a golden drill prices the side of the vent molten fredric rips through the hole and bursts through the wall. However Mr valiant was waiting for him he turns on the power to the large generator down the hall. Ennards hunger for electricity takes over and he rushes toward it once in the generator room he seals the room closed trapping him inside. However molten fredric finds a vent inside the room and he enters from there. But valiant had already welded the crack in the vent so molten fredric was back at square one.

Valiant: Well well well mr/mrs chara it appears as though you have lost our bet. All of the funtimes are either trapped or unconscious. And you know our deal.
Chara: Hehehehehe you really are an idiot.
Narrator: Chara said while facing away from him. “What do you mean”. Then chara turns around and in his/her hand is the now tiny empress huddled snugly and asleep.
Chara: It appears you have lost good sir and I have won.
Valiant: How HOW.!?
Chara: Empy want to show him how you got to me without anyone noticing.
Empress: Sure.
Narrator: she said with a smile. The jewels on her crown started to project a memory and it showed that she had shrunken herself and turned her hands into drills. She drilled right through the concrete essentially inside the walls. No guards no cameras no vents just a straight path right to chara. Once in his/her hands the empress felt complete like everything was right in the world again as if she could take a nap right then and there without anything to worry about.
Chara: So can you round up my children so we can have a proper reunion.
Valiant: I I I what wha I am so confused.
Chara: Well think of it this way “I won you lost where are my kids” .
Narrator: valiant pulls out his walkie talkie and says.
Valiant: “Gather the funtimes into the courtyard and open up a pathway through the vents to get there”.
Worker: “Yes sir”
Narrator: the still sleeping funtimes were brought to the courtyard and chara was not far behind. They are laid down next to each other. Chara went down the line looking at each one of them, a tear forms at his/her eye.
Chara: Baby I knew you would be strong (smooch). Funtime oliv you were on fire the whole way through (smooch). Ballora you put up quite a fight (smooch). Funtime mange do you want a belly rub when you wake up
Narrator: a smile forms at her face as if she is having a good dream
Chara: (smooch). And I believe there are two missing.
Narrator: Just at that moment molten fredric bursts through the vent and upon seeing chara the two of them unfuse.
Funtime fredric: Chara I missed you so much.
Chara: I missed you to my darling.
Bon bon: Hey what is with the others.
Chara: they’ve had a few to many tranquilizers.
Ennard: Oh it’s so nice to see you again, but pardon me for asking but where do we go from here.
Chara: Ah yes that reminds me Mr valiant can I borrow a truck so I can drive my children out of here.
Valiant: Ah yes right away.
Chara: Well I’ll just pick them up and carry them there.
Valiant: You can’t be serious they weigh over 500 lbs collect--- oh my god.
Chara: Yea I have what I call parent strength where no matter how old you are and no matter how heavy your children get you can still carry them when they are asleep.
Valiant: So you don't feel anything?
Chara: Oh no my legs are about to shatter, get the truck.
Valiant: It will be here shortly.

Chara: Well I guess this is the end.
Valiant: Well actually I have one thing I want to ask you.
Chara: Yes.
Valiant: I have decided I want to research the funtimes further in a more natural environment. Chara: Are you asking to come with us.
Valiant: In short, yes.
Chara: Ah what the hell sure you can come… if you drive.
Valiant: Sure. it's getting late do you want to stop somewhere for the night.
Chara: Yes do you know a place.
Valiant: Yea there should be a motel a couple miles down the road.
Chara: Alright I will stay in the back in case any of them wake up, someone needs to explain to them what is going on.

Empress: Sniff.
Chara: What is it empy.
Empress: It's just so good to see everyone in one place again.
Ennard: Even if half of them are unconscious.
Empress: yes ,even if they are unconscious.
Chara: She is right ennard it's been about a month since we’ve seen each other so you should be just as grateful as empy here.
Ennard: I guess you’re right.
Chara: Anyway they should be up any minute now. Boy do I have some explaining to do.



Next up

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My thoughts

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