The G01 is a Rebellion that serves for equality and fairness across the galaxy, attempting to 'free' planets of control from any factions that they consider an "Enemy of their cause".
They launch raids against "Hive-mind corporations" as well, which they consider the following: SideWinder Industries, Tungsten Tech Inc, Gemini Co, and Mantis Co.
Multiple governments have been injured during the 9259 "Grand war for Eken-19", which has forced multiple civil wars, and a classification of the G01 being a "Terrorist Organization".
The Republic of Revenge's shortened name, (the G01) Refers to the leaders M Class Super Carrier, It's original group being G01.
The Leaders Super Carrier is named "Lucy".
There is no standard uniform, however the majority of the Republic is issued Standard KeveroN armor, issued by KeveroN Co.
There has been an invention called the "Might of fire", issued as standard procedure to front line troops during the 9259 war, it was used reportedly twice during a raiding operation on Eken-19's "Overtaken" Super train way.