3 years ago

Gacha OC challenge!
In this OC challenge, we'll be making a Jivial School Character
(For those who don't know, Jivial School is a school my OCs go to or went to in their past life)
Let's get started!
Use the tag #WindisJivialSchoolOCChallenge in a post!

First step: Skin Color and gender
Gender and skin color can be whatever you want!

Next: Age!
Your OC's age will be 3 years older than your current age. If your OC's age goes above the age of 22, make the OC's age 22 instead. And if your OC's age goes under 5, make the OC's age 5 instead.

Next: Height!
If your OC is 5-6 years old, do height 14
If your OC is 7-8 years old, do height 15
If your OC is 9-11 years old, do height 16
If your OC is 12-13 years old, do height 17
If your OC is 14-17 years old, do height 19
If your OC is 18-20 years old, do height 1
If your OC is 21-22 years old, do height 2 or 3

Next: Hair Length & Style!
If you like cats, do long hair
If you like dogs, do short hair
If you like neither do medium hair
If you like both, have your hair up and have whatever length you want it to be.
The hairstyle has to be the opposite of your normal one (like if you have messy hair most of the time, do fancy hair)

Next: Hair Color!
If you have more than 2 siblings, have light-colored hair.
If you have 2 siblings, have dark-colored hair.
If you have 0-1 siblings, have unnatural hair color.
If you have half or step-siblings, you can choose.

Next: Eyes!
The shape can be whatever you want but it has to match your hairstyle (like if you have fancy hair, have fancy looking eyes)
The color will be your second favorite color.
The pupil shape doesn't matter.

Next: Clothes!
Accessories of any kind will not be used during this step (unless it's a scarf)
Pick a number that's from 1-4 (If you've already read the choices by accident or purpose for "cheating" then use a random number generator, a wheel, ask someone for a number between 1 and 4, or just type a random number)
If you got 1, your OC will be in casual clothes.
If you got 2, your OC will be in a school uniform (of your choice).
If you got 3, your OC will be in "proper" clothes.
If you got 4, your OC will be wearing what you wish to wear in the future or what you wear in the present (style-wise or exact clothing, I don't mind)

Next: Head accessories!
If your favorite color is red, orange, or yellow, you can have a hat for no other accessories on the head.
If your favorite color is green, blue, or purple, you can have a hat or just 1 accessory on the head, but you can't have both.
If you have any other favorite colors, you can have a hat and 3 other head accessories.
If you don't have a favorite color or your favorite color is a "shade" such as white, gray, and black, you can choose.

Next: Face accessories!
If you've ever broken a bone, add bandages.
If you've never broken a bone, add freckles and 1 bandage.
If you're not sure or had sprained a part of your body, add glasses and/or any face scar of your choice.

Next: Name!
You can choose your OC's name, but it has to start with the second letter of your name!

Next: Personality!
Your OC's personality will be your IRL personality.
If you're unsure about your IRL or OC's personality, you just want your OC's personality in this to be different, then make them a bully.

Next: Grade!
If your OC is ages 5-11, your OC will attend Jivial Elementry!
If your OC is ages 12-14, your OC will attend Jivial Middle School!
If your OC is ages 14-18, your OC will attend Jivial High School!
If your OC is ages 18-22, your OC will attend Jivial Academy!
(If your OC is 14 you can choose if they're in 8th grade or high school as a freshman. If your OC is 18 you can choose if they're in high school as a senior or in Jivial Academy as a first year)

I will make a story about the Jivial Schools so it's easier to understand what your OC is going through.

(btw the image above is my result form the OC challenge)



Next up

Funny video of Kelly


"Why tf are you so short?"

I joined:)

@swhsrat_ :D

The fates because my world has them (well sorta)

Cosmo (they/them)

Servant of Sloth, serious about representing the sin.

Finally drawing, this took me soooo long

no context