there will NO LONGER be a demo!
the game will be released in full and it will be finished at around the end of August to mid/late September
thank you guys for supporting us and being patient! more teasers and updates are expected to come.
there will NO LONGER be a demo!
the game will be released in full and it will be finished at around the end of August to mid/late September
thank you guys for supporting us and being patient! more teasers and updates are expected to come.
yall get ready man next week is about to be crazy
damn i really didnt expect that, but as yall wish demo will be coming out soon, i just need a artist who can do pixel art full game is FOR SURE gonna be out by january-feburary if you're interested in helping out with art, dm me on discord dogi_.
TEASER!!! don't worry, we're still workin' hard
it's looking like the next hundred hours of my life are gonna be used on this game again😭😭😭
remix is getting remade btw
last post was a while ago, so sorry about that. but WE'RE BACK!!! "THE LAST STAND - ENOSINIEMI REMIX" (remix by @DMDFCVerbatim ) reminder to join the discord (ignore the hp and lv)
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