GTLive: An Untold Story
7 years ago

Game Cancelled, but Project Not Abandoned

So I’ll get right to the chase, game’s cancelled due to a long series of unfortunate events, this time something that cannot be recovered.
In recent months, my anxiety kicked into overdrive and I lost all motivation for a while to finish the game. Eventually my computer’s motherboard decided to shortcurcuit during a storm, which fried my hard drive. For some stupid reason my new computer won’t read the game’s files.
HOWEVER: I will rebuild. I’m trying to see this as an opportunity, rather then a disater.
In truth, I was /never/ happy with Chapter 1 and how linear it was, and while Chapter 2 had so much positive feedback, in truth shortcuts were taken that increased the file size astronomically.
So now with a new computer, new tools at my disposal, a new positive outlook, I’m going to start over again.
I’ll say it straight away, I intend to have no random encounters in the new builds. Only scripted encounters. The game will be more puzzle oriented and less grindy.



Next up

Sneak Peak of Chapter 4. Yes, its all correct.

Almost Done. Needs one final tweeking for stats and Debugs.

Progress report

Preview of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Thanks to Rusty Mudstix for the Art.

I just wanted to show whats planned for the final boss of Chapter 4.

No, this is not an April Fools Joke. Chapter 3 is almost ready.

Because reason.

Sample of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Trying to make him more Reptilian Looking.

Senpai has noticed us!

What is in the works.